Eu criei este blog para informá-los sobre os games do momento,personagens,truques e macetes dos mesmos,e sobre outras novidades!
Logotipo do Bem vindo ao mundo virtual! completo
Quem sou eu
- Victor 9375
- E aí,eu sou o Victor,e estou criando blogs para mantê-los infromados sobre a atualidade e a informática,sobre jogos e sobre novidades,sobre coisas em geral!
terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008
segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008
Felipão - Pedófilo, bêbado, ou veterano da Guerra do Golfo?
Pesquisas arqueológicas recentes apontam que, em 1990, o Pai do Felipe estava lutando na Guerra do Golfo, e que ele não foi sempre um psicopata bêbado.
Ele ficou assim depois que sobreviventes da guerra se refugiaram em sua casa, e comeram sua irmã (nos dois sentidos), pois não havia alimentos.
A seguir, uma imagem de arquivo revelando a verdadeira essência do felipão:
quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2008
Como criar servidor css non steam !!!!
EX. DE COMO ESTÁ "C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe"
EX. DE COMO FICARÁ "C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe" -game cstrike
» Conteúdo do pack:
- Mani Admin Plugin v1.2 Beta O
- Quake Sound Pack
- StatsMeminimum
- Glittermod v1.3.10f
- EventScripts v1.5.0.171a Beta
- GunGame v3.4.77
- SourceMM
- CS:S DM 0.97
- Zombie Mod 2.0.0f
- CSS RPG 1.0.5
- GoreMod 3.2.5
- SteamBans Detox Anti-Cheat v1.1
» Descrição dos Addons e Plugins:
Mani Admin Plugin
O mais conhecido e completo script para administração de servidores, com ele você não terá problemas ou mesmo dificuldade para manter seu servidor nos eixos.
Quake Sound Pack
Arquivos de sons p/ Mani Admin Plugin.
Este plugin mostra as estatísticas de acertos e hitbox durante o jogo.
Plugin com funções variadas.
Weapon-Restrictions - Camper Detection - Team-Balancing
EventScript é um addons que executa automáticamente scripts sempre que determinados eventos ocorrerem no jogo. 20 dez (18 horas atrás)
Uma modificação p/ servidores que consiste num estilo de jogo onde você começa jogando de Glock e precisa matar seu adversários p/ ir ganhando level e adquirindo armas mais fortes.
A versão do MetaMod p/ o CS:S.
Counter-Strike: Source DeathMatch, modficação totalmente execelente para servidores onde o objetivo é apenas um! Matar e matar.
Zombie Mod
Humanos vs. Zumbis. Dependendo de que lado você esteje, os objetivos são diferentes.
Essa modificação permite que você ganhe pontos e experiência matando outros adversários e assim podendo melhora-lo comprando ítens.
SteamBans - Detox Anti-Cheat (SBDTX)
Anti-Cheat para Source (Mods HL2). A principal finalidade deste plugin e fornecer a os admins e jogadores uma proteção muito melhor contra cheats e cvars.
Este plugin p/ SourceMM faz com que a quantidade de sangue que aparece normalmente quando você acerta um tiro, seje muito maior.
» Instalação:
Antes de você instalar, faça o BACKUP da pasta "cfg", que fica dentro da pasta "cstrike".
A instalação do pack deve ser feita dentro da pasta "cstrike".
C:\Arquivos de programas\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike
Lembrando que precisa estar atualizado na v17.
Sempre quando for jogar crie o Servidor pelo "srcds.exe" e se conecte nele. Se criar pelo menu do jogo, pode (não quer dizer que vai) acontecer dele travar quando estiver carregando.
Caso o srcds.exe não abra quando executado, crie um atalho e acrescente em suas Propriedades -> Destino -game cstrike
» autoexec.cfg e metaplugin.ini
Esses dois arquivos são responsáveis pela execução ou não de um determinado plugin. No arquivo autoexec.cfg caso não queira um desses determindados plugins sejam executados, basta colocar // na frente da linha desse plugin.
No caso do arquivo metaplugin.ini, que fica na pasta "...\addons\metamod" ao invés das // colocar um ; ou retirar, dependendo do que você queira é claro. 20 dez (18 horas atrás)
» Habilitandos Mods:
Para habilitar o GunGame abra o arquivo autoexec.cfg na pasta "cfg" e retire da frente da linha //exec gungame.cfg as duas //. Salve e feche o arquivo.
No caso do CSS DM, ZombieMod, CSS RPG e o SBDTX. Abra o arquivo metaplugins.ini e escolha qual mod pretende usar e retire o ; da frente da linha. Salve e feche o arquivo.
Se for habilitar o CSS RPG, habilite a linha //exec cssrpg105.cfg no arquivo autoexec.cfg
Obs. Não execute todos os mods de uma só vez, além de ficar uma coisa muito sem lógica, consome muito mais recursos da máquina.
» Adicionando Admins no Mani:
Para 1 Administrador:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 364bytes ) Downloads: 1226
Para 2 Administradores:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 479bytes ) Downloads: 385
Para 3 Administradores:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 594bytes ) Downloads: 452
Escolha um desses 3 arquivos e salve-o na pasta "...\cfg\mani_admin_plugin".
Abra-o e troque os valores "Nick" e "SteamID" pelo(s) seu(s).
Se você joga off-line ou em lan, sua SteamID passa a ser STEAM_ID_LAN.
Creditos à equipe virtual cs !!!!!!!
EX. DE COMO ESTÁ "C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe"
EX. DE COMO FICARÁ "C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\srcds.exe" -game cstrike
» Conteúdo do pack:
- Mani Admin Plugin v1.2 Beta O
- Quake Sound Pack
- StatsMeminimum
- Glittermod v1.3.10f
- EventScripts v1.5.0.171a Beta
- GunGame v3.4.77
- SourceMM
- CS:S DM 0.97
- Zombie Mod 2.0.0f
- CSS RPG 1.0.5
- GoreMod 3.2.5
- SteamBans Detox Anti-Cheat v1.1
» Descrição dos Addons e Plugins:
Mani Admin Plugin
O mais conhecido e completo script para administração de servidores, com ele você não terá problemas ou mesmo dificuldade para manter seu servidor nos eixos.
Quake Sound Pack
Arquivos de sons p/ Mani Admin Plugin.
Este plugin mostra as estatísticas de acertos e hitbox durante o jogo.
Plugin com funções variadas.
Weapon-Restrictions - Camper Detection - Team-Balancing
EventScript é um addons que executa automáticamente scripts sempre que determinados eventos ocorrerem no jogo. 20 dez (18 horas atrás)
Uma modificação p/ servidores que consiste num estilo de jogo onde você começa jogando de Glock e precisa matar seu adversários p/ ir ganhando level e adquirindo armas mais fortes.
A versão do MetaMod p/ o CS:S.
Counter-Strike: Source DeathMatch, modficação totalmente execelente para servidores onde o objetivo é apenas um! Matar e matar.
Zombie Mod
Humanos vs. Zumbis. Dependendo de que lado você esteje, os objetivos são diferentes.
Essa modificação permite que você ganhe pontos e experiência matando outros adversários e assim podendo melhora-lo comprando ítens.
SteamBans - Detox Anti-Cheat (SBDTX)
Anti-Cheat para Source (Mods HL2). A principal finalidade deste plugin e fornecer a os admins e jogadores uma proteção muito melhor contra cheats e cvars.
Este plugin p/ SourceMM faz com que a quantidade de sangue que aparece normalmente quando você acerta um tiro, seje muito maior.
» Instalação:
Antes de você instalar, faça o BACKUP da pasta "cfg", que fica dentro da pasta "cstrike".
A instalação do pack deve ser feita dentro da pasta "cstrike".
C:\Arquivos de programas\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike
Lembrando que precisa estar atualizado na v17.
Sempre quando for jogar crie o Servidor pelo "srcds.exe" e se conecte nele. Se criar pelo menu do jogo, pode (não quer dizer que vai) acontecer dele travar quando estiver carregando.
Caso o srcds.exe não abra quando executado, crie um atalho e acrescente em suas Propriedades -> Destino -game cstrike
» autoexec.cfg e metaplugin.ini
Esses dois arquivos são responsáveis pela execução ou não de um determinado plugin. No arquivo autoexec.cfg caso não queira um desses determindados plugins sejam executados, basta colocar // na frente da linha desse plugin.
No caso do arquivo metaplugin.ini, que fica na pasta "...\addons\metamod" ao invés das // colocar um ; ou retirar, dependendo do que você queira é claro. 20 dez (18 horas atrás)
» Habilitandos Mods:
Para habilitar o GunGame abra o arquivo autoexec.cfg na pasta "cfg" e retire da frente da linha //exec gungame.cfg as duas //. Salve e feche o arquivo.
No caso do CSS DM, ZombieMod, CSS RPG e o SBDTX. Abra o arquivo metaplugins.ini e escolha qual mod pretende usar e retire o ; da frente da linha. Salve e feche o arquivo.
Se for habilitar o CSS RPG, habilite a linha //exec cssrpg105.cfg no arquivo autoexec.cfg
Obs. Não execute todos os mods de uma só vez, além de ficar uma coisa muito sem lógica, consome muito mais recursos da máquina.
» Adicionando Admins no Mani:
Para 1 Administrador:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 364bytes ) Downloads: 1226
Para 2 Administradores:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 479bytes ) Downloads: 385
Para 3 Administradores:
Arquivo anexado clients.txt ( 594bytes ) Downloads: 452
Escolha um desses 3 arquivos e salve-o na pasta "...\cfg\mani_admin_plugin".
Abra-o e troque os valores "Nick" e "SteamID" pelo(s) seu(s).
Se você joga off-line ou em lan, sua SteamID passa a ser STEAM_ID_LAN.
Creditos à equipe virtual cs !!!!!!!
segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2008
Comunidade do Abner no orkut!!!IMPERDÍVEL!!!
quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008
RESULTADO DA ENQUETE "Qual console é o melhor?''
A decisão foi unânime.
Seu nome foi aclamado.
Seu nome é lenda.
Seu nome foi lenda.
Ele veio pra ficar.
Seu nome,
é XBOX!!!
The Winner!!!!!!
100% de votos no 360!
Seu nome foi aclamado.
Seu nome é lenda.
Seu nome foi lenda.
Ele veio pra ficar.
Seu nome,
é XBOX!!!
The Winner!!!!!!
100% de votos no 360!
Bob Esponja na China - PERFEITO!!!!
Parece que foi realmente feito pelos criadores do Bob Esponja,é muuuitooo perfeeeito!!!CONFIRAM!!!!
Segredos do GTA San Andreas
cidade secreta - GTA:
GTA-Cidade Alagada:
GTA verdadeiro UFO sobre a area 51:
GTA-Cidade Alagada:
GTA verdadeiro UFO sobre a area 51:
Gta Tropa de Elite - outros vídeos
Vídeo 1:
Vídeo 2:
Vídeo 3:
Vídeo 4:
Vídeo 5:
Vídeo 6:
Vídeo 7:
Vídeo 8:
E esse vídeo de merda do jogo:
Vídeo 2:
Vídeo 3:
Vídeo 4:
Vídeo 5:
Vídeo 6:
Vídeo 7:
Vídeo 8:
E esse vídeo de merda do jogo:
quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008
O Super Mario não é tão inocente,pelo menos ele continua vivo
Mario safado,eu sei exatamente de onde ele tira as vidas e os power-ups agora!
O Mario ficou safadinho!!!
Pura viagem,será que no GTA Tropa de Elite dá pra faze isso com o Mário???Vo descobri amanhã!
Puta que pariu caralho,puis pra copia a porra do embed,mas nao foi fdp
aki vai:
Bom,o jogo é muito foda!
Já vem zerado,então ele vem com uma opçao que voce pode refazer qualquer missao para se divertir,e inclui extras,como matar o pé grande!!!
Voce pode usar roupas de torcedores do Sao Paulo,do Palmeiras,etc...
Dá até pra cata disco voador
e voce nao precisa por o codigo,voce aperta um botao que abre uma lista,com tds os antigos codigos,e muito mais,da pra escolher uma mulher,tirar a roupa,mudar o cabelo etc
Tem roupa do bope,carro do bope,é foda pra caralho
da pra por a roupa do CJ e sai voando mano!!!!
Tem varios mods inclusos,como o aclamado Hot Coffee!!!
aki vai:
Bom,o jogo é muito foda!
Já vem zerado,então ele vem com uma opçao que voce pode refazer qualquer missao para se divertir,e inclui extras,como matar o pé grande!!!
Voce pode usar roupas de torcedores do Sao Paulo,do Palmeiras,etc...
Dá até pra cata disco voador
e voce nao precisa por o codigo,voce aperta um botao que abre uma lista,com tds os antigos codigos,e muito mais,da pra escolher uma mulher,tirar a roupa,mudar o cabelo etc
Tem roupa do bope,carro do bope,é foda pra caralho
da pra por a roupa do CJ e sai voando mano!!!!
Tem varios mods inclusos,como o aclamado Hot Coffee!!!
GTA Tropa de Elite!Versão brasileira e melhorada do GTA San Andreas
O jogo “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” que é mania entre a garotada aqui no Brasil ganhou uma versão nacional, baseada no filme “GTA - Tropa de Elite”.
O game é um é “MOD”, termo usado para designar um jogo feito a partir do original, com algumas modificações. Novos elementos foram adicionados para simular o ambiente do filme de José Padilha. Segundo os criadores, são mais de 50 personagens que incluem desde alguns super-heróis até torcedores de times brasileiros, como Corinthians e Flamengo.
GTA Tropa de Elite pode ser encontrado em camelôs de diversas cidades do país e o preço sai por volta de R$ 10,00. Mas se você quiser baixar GTA Tropa de Elite terá que esperar mais um pouco, já que o game ainda não se encontra disponível para download.
Veja abaixo um dos vídeos do game disponível no Youtube:
O game é um é “MOD”, termo usado para designar um jogo feito a partir do original, com algumas modificações. Novos elementos foram adicionados para simular o ambiente do filme de José Padilha. Segundo os criadores, são mais de 50 personagens que incluem desde alguns super-heróis até torcedores de times brasileiros, como Corinthians e Flamengo.
GTA Tropa de Elite pode ser encontrado em camelôs de diversas cidades do país e o preço sai por volta de R$ 10,00. Mas se você quiser baixar GTA Tropa de Elite terá que esperar mais um pouco, já que o game ainda não se encontra disponível para download.
Veja abaixo um dos vídeos do game disponível no Youtube:
quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2008
O que significa o termo: "Bullying"
Bullying é um termo de origem inglesa utilizado para descrever atos de violência física ou psicológica, intencionais e repetidos, praticados por um indivíduo (bully) ou grupo de indivíduos com o objetivo de intimidar ou agredir outro indivíduo (ou grupo de indivíduos) incapaz/es de se defender. A palavra "Bully" significa "valentão", o autor das agressões. A vítima, ou alvo, é a que sofre os efeitos delas. Também existem as vítimas/agressoras, ou autores/alvos, que em determinados momentos cometem agressões, porém também são vítimas de bullying pela turma.
Caracterização do bullying
No uso coloquial entre falantes de língua inglesa, bullying é frequentemente usado para descrever uma forma de assédio interpretado por alguém que está, de alguma forma, em condições de exercer o seu poder sobre alguém ou sobre um grupo mais fraco.
O cientista Norueguês Dan Owelus define bullying em três termos essenciais:[1]
o comportamento é agressivo e negativo
o comportamento é executado repetidamente
o comportamento ocorre num relacionamento onde há um desequilíbrio de poder entre as partes envolvidas
O bullying divide-se em duas categorias:
bullying directo
bullying indirecto, também conhecido como agressão social
O bullying directo é a forma mais comum entre os agressores (bullies) masculinos.
A agressão social ou bullying indirecto é a forma mais comum em bullies do sexo feminino e crianças pequenas, e é caracterizada por forçar a vítima ao isolamento social. Este isolamento é obtido através de uma vasta variedade de técnicas, que incluem:
espalhar comentários
recusa em se socializar com a vítima
intimidar outras pessoas que desejam se socializar com a vítima
criticar o modo de vestir ou outros aspectos socialmente significativos (incluindo a etnia da vítima, religião, incapacidades etc).
O bullying pode ocorrer em situações envolvendo a escola ou faculdade/universidade, o local de trabalho, os vizinhos e até mesmo países. Qualquer que seja a situação, a estrutura de poder é típicamente evidente entre o agressor (bully) e a vítima. Para aqueles fora do relacionamento, parece que o poder do agressor depende somente da percepção da vítima, que parece estar a mais intimidada para oferecer alguma resistência. Todavia, a vítima geralmente tem motivos para temer o agressor, devido às ameaças ou concretizações de violência física/sexual, ou perda dos meios de subsistência.
Os bullies usam principalmente uma combinação de intimidação e humilhação para atormentar os outros. Abaixo, alguns exemplos das técnicas de bullying:
Insultar a vítima acusar sistematicamente a vítima de não servir para nada.
Ataques físicos repetidos contra uma pessoa, seja contra o corpo dela ou propriedade.
Interferir com a propriedade pessoal de uma pessoa, livros ou material escolar, roupas, etc, danificando-os
Espalhar rumores negativos sobre a vítima.
Depreciar a vítima sem qualquer motivo.
Fazer com que a vítima faça o que ela não quer, ameaçando a vítima para seguir as ordens.
Colocar a vítima em situação problemática com alguém (geralmente, uma autoridade), ou conseguir uma ação disciplinar contra a vítima, por algo que ela não cometeu ou que foi exagerado pelo bully.
Fazer comentários depreciativos sobre a família de uma pessoa (particularmente a mãe), sobre o local de moradia de alguém, aparência pessoal, orientação sexual, religião, etnia, nível de renda, nacionalidade ou qualquer outra inferioridade depreendida da qual o bully tenha tomado ciência.
Isolamento social da vítima.
Usar as tecnologias de informação para praticar o cyberbullying (criar páginas falsas sobre a vítima em sites de relacionamento, de publicação de fotos etc).
Expressões ameaçadoras.
Grafitagem depreciativa.
Usar de sarcasmo evidente para se passar por amigo (para alguém de fora) enquanto assegura o controle e a posição em relação à vítima (isto ocorre com freqüência logo após o bully avaliar que a pessoa é uma "vítima perfeita").
Locais de bullying
O bullying pode acontecer em qualquer contexto no qual seres humanos interajam, tais como escolas, universidades, famílias, entre vizinhos e em locais de trabalho.
Em escolas, o bullying geralmente ocorre em áreas com supervisão adulta mínima ou inexistente. Ele pode acontecer em praticamente qualquer parte, dentro ou fora do prédio da escola.
Um caso extremo de bullying no pátio da escola foi o de um aluno do oitavo ano chamado Curtis Taylor, numa escola secundária em Iowa, Estados Unidos, que foi vítima de bullying contínuo por três anos, o que incluía alcunhas jocosas, ser espancado num vestiário, ter a camisa suja com leite achocolatado e os pertences vandalizados. Tudo isso acabou por o levar ao suicídio em 21 de Março de 1993. Alguns especialistas em "bullies" denominaram essa reação extrema de "bullycídio".
Nos anos 1990, os Estados Unidos viveram uma epidemia de tiroteios em escolas (dos quais o mais notório foi o massacre de Columbine). Muitas das crianças por trás destes tiroteios afirmavam serem vítimas de bullies e que somente haviam recorrido à violência depois que a administração da escola havia falhado repetidamente em intervir. Em muitos destes casos, as vítimas dos atiradores processaram tanto as famílias dos atiradores quanto as escolas.
Como resultado destas tendências, escolas em muitos países passaram a desencorajar fortemente a prática do bullying, com programas projectados para promover a cooperação entre os estudantes, bem como o treinamento de alunos como moderadores para intervir na resolução de disputas, configurando uma forma de suporte por parte dos pares.
Dado que a cobertura da mídia tem exposto o quão disseminada é a práctica do bullying, os júris estão agora mais inclinados do que nunca a simpatizar com as vítimas. Em anos recentes, muitas vítimas têm movido ações judiciais diretamente contra os agressores por "imposição intencional de sofrimento emocional", e incluindo suas escolas como acusadas, sob o princípio da responsabilidade conjunta. Vítimas norte-americanas e suas famílias têm outros recursos legais, tais como processar uma escola ou professor por falta de supervisão adequada, violação dos direitos civis, discriminação racial ou de gênero ou assédio moral.
O bullying nas escolas (ou em outras instituições superiores de ensino) pode também assumir, por exemplo, a forma de avaliações abaixo da média, não retorno das tarefas escolares, segregação de estudantes competentes por professores incompetentes ou não-actuantes, para proteger a reputação de uma instituição de ensino. Isto é feito para que seus programas e códigos internos de conduta nunca sejam questionados, e que os pais (que geralmente pagam as taxas), sejam levados a acreditar que seus filhos são incapazes de lidar com o curso. Tipicamente, estas atitudes servem para criar a política não-escrita de "se você é estúpido, não merece ter respostas; se você não é bom, nós não te queremos aqui". Freqüentemente, tais instituições (geralmente em países asiáticos) operam um programa de franquia com instituições estrangeiras (quase sempre ocidentais), com uma cláusula de que os parceiros estrangeiros não opinam quanto a avaliação local ou códigos de conduta do pessoal no local contratante. Isto serve para criar uma classe de tolos educados, pessoas com títulos acadêmicos que não aprenderam a adaptar-se a situações e a criar soluções fazendo as perguntas certas e resolvendo problemas.
Local de trabalho
O bullying em locais de trabalho (algumas vezes chamado de "Bullying Adulto") é descrito pelo Congresso Sindical do Reino Unido ([9]TUC, 1998) como:
"um problema sério que muito freqüentemente as pessoas pensam que seja apenas um problema ocasional entre indivíduos. Mas o bullying é mais do que um ataque ocasional de raiva ou briga. É uma intimidação regular e persistente que solapa a integridade e confiança da vítima do bully. E é freqüentemente aceita ou mesmo encorajada como parte da cultura da organização".
Entre vizinhos, o bullying normalmente toma a forma de intimidação por comportamento inconveniente, tais como barulho excessivo para perturbar o sono e os padrões de vida normais ou fazer queixa às autoridades (tais como a polícia) por incidentes menores ou forjados. O propósito desta forma de comportamento é fazer com que a vítima fique tão desconfortável que acabe por se mudar da propriedade. Nem todo comportamento inconveniente pode ser caracterizado como bullying: a falta de sensibilidade pode ser uma explicação.
O bullying entre países ocorre quando um país decide impôr sua vontade a outro. Isto é feito normalmente com o uso de força militar, a ameaça de que ajuda e doações não serão entregues a um país menor ou não permitir que o país menor se associe a uma organização de comércio.
Em 2000 o Ministério da Defesa (MOD) do Reino Unido definiu o bullying como : "...o uso de força física ou abuso de autoridade para intimidar ou vitimizar outros, ou para infligir castigos ilícitos”.
Todavia, é afirmado que o bullying militar ainda está protegido contra investigações abertas. O caso das Deepcut Barracks, no Reino Unido, é um exemplo do governo se recusar a conduzir um inquérito público completo quanto a uma possível prática de bullying militar.
Alguns argumentam que tal comportamento deveria ser permitido por causa de um consenso acadêmico generalizado de que os soldados são diferentes dos outros postos. Dos soldados se espera que estejam preparados para arriscarem suas vidas, e alguns acreditam que o seu treinamento deveria desenvolver o espirito de corpo para aceitar isto.
Em alguns países, rituais humilhantes entre os recrutas têm sido tolerados e mesmo exaltados como um "rito de passagem" que constrói o carácter e a resistência; enquanto em outros, o bullying sistemático dos postos inferiores, jovens ou recrutas mais fracos pode na verdade ser encorajado pela política militar, seja tacitamente ou abertamente (veja dedovschina). Também, as forças armadas russas geralmente fazem com que candidatos mais velhos ou mais experientes abusem - com socos e pontapés - dos soldados mais fracos e menos experientes.
Alcunhas ou apelidos (dar nomes)
Normalmente, uma alcunha (apelido) é dada a alguém por um amigo, devido a uma característica única dele. Em alguns casos, a concessão é feita por uma característica que a vítima não quer que seja alardeada, tal como uma verruga ou forma obscura em alguma parte do corpo. Em casos extremos, professores podem ajudar a popularizá-la, mas isto é geralmente percebido como inofensivo ou o golpe é sutil demais para ser reconhecido. Há uma discussão sobre se é pior que a vítima conheça ou não o nome pelo qual é chamada. Todavia, uma alcunha pode por vezes tornar-se tão embaraçosa que a vítima terá de se mudar (de escola, de residência ou de ambos).
Bullying é um termo de origem inglesa utilizado para descrever atos de violência física ou psicológica, intencionais e repetidos, praticados por um indivíduo (bully) ou grupo de indivíduos com o objetivo de intimidar ou agredir outro indivíduo (ou grupo de indivíduos) incapaz/es de se defender. A palavra "Bully" significa "valentão", o autor das agressões. A vítima, ou alvo, é a que sofre os efeitos delas. Também existem as vítimas/agressoras, ou autores/alvos, que em determinados momentos cometem agressões, porém também são vítimas de bullying pela turma.
Caracterização do bullying
No uso coloquial entre falantes de língua inglesa, bullying é frequentemente usado para descrever uma forma de assédio interpretado por alguém que está, de alguma forma, em condições de exercer o seu poder sobre alguém ou sobre um grupo mais fraco.
O cientista Norueguês Dan Owelus define bullying em três termos essenciais:[1]
o comportamento é agressivo e negativo
o comportamento é executado repetidamente
o comportamento ocorre num relacionamento onde há um desequilíbrio de poder entre as partes envolvidas
O bullying divide-se em duas categorias:
bullying directo
bullying indirecto, também conhecido como agressão social
O bullying directo é a forma mais comum entre os agressores (bullies) masculinos.
A agressão social ou bullying indirecto é a forma mais comum em bullies do sexo feminino e crianças pequenas, e é caracterizada por forçar a vítima ao isolamento social. Este isolamento é obtido através de uma vasta variedade de técnicas, que incluem:
espalhar comentários
recusa em se socializar com a vítima
intimidar outras pessoas que desejam se socializar com a vítima
criticar o modo de vestir ou outros aspectos socialmente significativos (incluindo a etnia da vítima, religião, incapacidades etc).
O bullying pode ocorrer em situações envolvendo a escola ou faculdade/universidade, o local de trabalho, os vizinhos e até mesmo países. Qualquer que seja a situação, a estrutura de poder é típicamente evidente entre o agressor (bully) e a vítima. Para aqueles fora do relacionamento, parece que o poder do agressor depende somente da percepção da vítima, que parece estar a mais intimidada para oferecer alguma resistência. Todavia, a vítima geralmente tem motivos para temer o agressor, devido às ameaças ou concretizações de violência física/sexual, ou perda dos meios de subsistência.
Os bullies usam principalmente uma combinação de intimidação e humilhação para atormentar os outros. Abaixo, alguns exemplos das técnicas de bullying:
Insultar a vítima acusar sistematicamente a vítima de não servir para nada.
Ataques físicos repetidos contra uma pessoa, seja contra o corpo dela ou propriedade.
Interferir com a propriedade pessoal de uma pessoa, livros ou material escolar, roupas, etc, danificando-os
Espalhar rumores negativos sobre a vítima.
Depreciar a vítima sem qualquer motivo.
Fazer com que a vítima faça o que ela não quer, ameaçando a vítima para seguir as ordens.
Colocar a vítima em situação problemática com alguém (geralmente, uma autoridade), ou conseguir uma ação disciplinar contra a vítima, por algo que ela não cometeu ou que foi exagerado pelo bully.
Fazer comentários depreciativos sobre a família de uma pessoa (particularmente a mãe), sobre o local de moradia de alguém, aparência pessoal, orientação sexual, religião, etnia, nível de renda, nacionalidade ou qualquer outra inferioridade depreendida da qual o bully tenha tomado ciência.
Isolamento social da vítima.
Usar as tecnologias de informação para praticar o cyberbullying (criar páginas falsas sobre a vítima em sites de relacionamento, de publicação de fotos etc).
Expressões ameaçadoras.
Grafitagem depreciativa.
Usar de sarcasmo evidente para se passar por amigo (para alguém de fora) enquanto assegura o controle e a posição em relação à vítima (isto ocorre com freqüência logo após o bully avaliar que a pessoa é uma "vítima perfeita").
Locais de bullying
O bullying pode acontecer em qualquer contexto no qual seres humanos interajam, tais como escolas, universidades, famílias, entre vizinhos e em locais de trabalho.
Em escolas, o bullying geralmente ocorre em áreas com supervisão adulta mínima ou inexistente. Ele pode acontecer em praticamente qualquer parte, dentro ou fora do prédio da escola.
Um caso extremo de bullying no pátio da escola foi o de um aluno do oitavo ano chamado Curtis Taylor, numa escola secundária em Iowa, Estados Unidos, que foi vítima de bullying contínuo por três anos, o que incluía alcunhas jocosas, ser espancado num vestiário, ter a camisa suja com leite achocolatado e os pertences vandalizados. Tudo isso acabou por o levar ao suicídio em 21 de Março de 1993. Alguns especialistas em "bullies" denominaram essa reação extrema de "bullycídio".
Nos anos 1990, os Estados Unidos viveram uma epidemia de tiroteios em escolas (dos quais o mais notório foi o massacre de Columbine). Muitas das crianças por trás destes tiroteios afirmavam serem vítimas de bullies e que somente haviam recorrido à violência depois que a administração da escola havia falhado repetidamente em intervir. Em muitos destes casos, as vítimas dos atiradores processaram tanto as famílias dos atiradores quanto as escolas.
Como resultado destas tendências, escolas em muitos países passaram a desencorajar fortemente a prática do bullying, com programas projectados para promover a cooperação entre os estudantes, bem como o treinamento de alunos como moderadores para intervir na resolução de disputas, configurando uma forma de suporte por parte dos pares.
Dado que a cobertura da mídia tem exposto o quão disseminada é a práctica do bullying, os júris estão agora mais inclinados do que nunca a simpatizar com as vítimas. Em anos recentes, muitas vítimas têm movido ações judiciais diretamente contra os agressores por "imposição intencional de sofrimento emocional", e incluindo suas escolas como acusadas, sob o princípio da responsabilidade conjunta. Vítimas norte-americanas e suas famílias têm outros recursos legais, tais como processar uma escola ou professor por falta de supervisão adequada, violação dos direitos civis, discriminação racial ou de gênero ou assédio moral.
O bullying nas escolas (ou em outras instituições superiores de ensino) pode também assumir, por exemplo, a forma de avaliações abaixo da média, não retorno das tarefas escolares, segregação de estudantes competentes por professores incompetentes ou não-actuantes, para proteger a reputação de uma instituição de ensino. Isto é feito para que seus programas e códigos internos de conduta nunca sejam questionados, e que os pais (que geralmente pagam as taxas), sejam levados a acreditar que seus filhos são incapazes de lidar com o curso. Tipicamente, estas atitudes servem para criar a política não-escrita de "se você é estúpido, não merece ter respostas; se você não é bom, nós não te queremos aqui". Freqüentemente, tais instituições (geralmente em países asiáticos) operam um programa de franquia com instituições estrangeiras (quase sempre ocidentais), com uma cláusula de que os parceiros estrangeiros não opinam quanto a avaliação local ou códigos de conduta do pessoal no local contratante. Isto serve para criar uma classe de tolos educados, pessoas com títulos acadêmicos que não aprenderam a adaptar-se a situações e a criar soluções fazendo as perguntas certas e resolvendo problemas.
Local de trabalho
O bullying em locais de trabalho (algumas vezes chamado de "Bullying Adulto") é descrito pelo Congresso Sindical do Reino Unido ([9]TUC, 1998) como:
"um problema sério que muito freqüentemente as pessoas pensam que seja apenas um problema ocasional entre indivíduos. Mas o bullying é mais do que um ataque ocasional de raiva ou briga. É uma intimidação regular e persistente que solapa a integridade e confiança da vítima do bully. E é freqüentemente aceita ou mesmo encorajada como parte da cultura da organização".
Entre vizinhos, o bullying normalmente toma a forma de intimidação por comportamento inconveniente, tais como barulho excessivo para perturbar o sono e os padrões de vida normais ou fazer queixa às autoridades (tais como a polícia) por incidentes menores ou forjados. O propósito desta forma de comportamento é fazer com que a vítima fique tão desconfortável que acabe por se mudar da propriedade. Nem todo comportamento inconveniente pode ser caracterizado como bullying: a falta de sensibilidade pode ser uma explicação.
O bullying entre países ocorre quando um país decide impôr sua vontade a outro. Isto é feito normalmente com o uso de força militar, a ameaça de que ajuda e doações não serão entregues a um país menor ou não permitir que o país menor se associe a uma organização de comércio.
Em 2000 o Ministério da Defesa (MOD) do Reino Unido definiu o bullying como : "...o uso de força física ou abuso de autoridade para intimidar ou vitimizar outros, ou para infligir castigos ilícitos”.
Todavia, é afirmado que o bullying militar ainda está protegido contra investigações abertas. O caso das Deepcut Barracks, no Reino Unido, é um exemplo do governo se recusar a conduzir um inquérito público completo quanto a uma possível prática de bullying militar.
Alguns argumentam que tal comportamento deveria ser permitido por causa de um consenso acadêmico generalizado de que os soldados são diferentes dos outros postos. Dos soldados se espera que estejam preparados para arriscarem suas vidas, e alguns acreditam que o seu treinamento deveria desenvolver o espirito de corpo para aceitar isto.
Em alguns países, rituais humilhantes entre os recrutas têm sido tolerados e mesmo exaltados como um "rito de passagem" que constrói o carácter e a resistência; enquanto em outros, o bullying sistemático dos postos inferiores, jovens ou recrutas mais fracos pode na verdade ser encorajado pela política militar, seja tacitamente ou abertamente (veja dedovschina). Também, as forças armadas russas geralmente fazem com que candidatos mais velhos ou mais experientes abusem - com socos e pontapés - dos soldados mais fracos e menos experientes.
Alcunhas ou apelidos (dar nomes)
Normalmente, uma alcunha (apelido) é dada a alguém por um amigo, devido a uma característica única dele. Em alguns casos, a concessão é feita por uma característica que a vítima não quer que seja alardeada, tal como uma verruga ou forma obscura em alguma parte do corpo. Em casos extremos, professores podem ajudar a popularizá-la, mas isto é geralmente percebido como inofensivo ou o golpe é sutil demais para ser reconhecido. Há uma discussão sobre se é pior que a vítima conheça ou não o nome pelo qual é chamada. Todavia, uma alcunha pode por vezes tornar-se tão embaraçosa que a vítima terá de se mudar (de escola, de residência ou de ambos).
segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008
Novidades sobre o Multiplayer de GTA IV
Eae,frmz????Ae,eu soh vim faze esse post,pra avisar sobre uma coisa.
Muitos tinham dúvidas sobre o multiplayer do GTA IV,se era somente uma parte específica da cidade,ou se tinha a cidade inteira.
Bem,eu estou aki para dizer q tem SIM a cidade inteira disponivel,incluindo suas lojas,carros e ateh helicopteros
O host (dono da tela) escolhe um bairro especifico,mas ele serve apenas como reespawn,ou seja,o local de renascimento dos personagens!!!
E ele pode habilitar a policia,trafego,pedestres,entre outros
Muitos tinham dúvidas sobre o multiplayer do GTA IV,se era somente uma parte específica da cidade,ou se tinha a cidade inteira.
Bem,eu estou aki para dizer q tem SIM a cidade inteira disponivel,incluindo suas lojas,carros e ateh helicopteros
O host (dono da tela) escolhe um bairro especifico,mas ele serve apenas como reespawn,ou seja,o local de renascimento dos personagens!!!
E ele pode habilitar a policia,trafego,pedestres,entre outros
Grand Theft Auto IV - Loading Screen
Tem mais imagens na realidade,mas mostram apenas da primeira vez que vc joga,ou qd o jogo eh falseta,que demora pra cacete pra carrega,e essa n eh a musica original,a musica original do jogo,que na verdade eh o remix de uma musica,eh bem mais foda!
COMING SOON (em breve)
sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2008
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Códigos para Saints Row (xbox360)
Saints Row Códigos
Saints Row Online Strategy Guide
Welcome to the dirty world of Saints Row, where shotguns, rival gangs, and liquor bottles are commonplace. Whether you've just begun your hoodlum career or need help rising the upper ranks of gang life, our guide's got you covered.
In this Saints Row strategy guide, you'll find:
• BASICS // Advanced combat tips and info on stores and their locations.
• WALKTHROUGH // Complete Saints Row walkthrough with strategies for all main missions and tips for the extra stuff, to boot.
• VEHICLES // Car check list to help you complete your collection.
• SECRETS // Achievements, passcode cheats, and more.
Get the Saints Row Online Strategy Guide
Cheat List
Unverified. You must pause the game and hold down the L or the R TRIGGER. This will access the phone. Select DIAL, then enter and CALL:
• Ambulace (Restores Health) 911
• Brown Baggers 555-3765
• Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)(555) 018-0174
• Eye for an Eye Voodoo 555-5966
• Give money #66639
• God's Wrath (lightning strikes randomly) #10
• Police level reduced #nocops
• Gang level reduced #no gangs
• Grounds for Divorce 555-9473
• Infinite Ammo #AMMO
• Infinite Sprint #SPRINT
• Legal Lee's 555-9467
• Lik-a-Chick 555-3863
• On the Fence (Pawn Shop) 555-7296
• On The Rag Clothing 555-5926
• Rim Jobs 555-3493
• Stocks 555-2626
• Suicide Hotline 1-555-ITS-OVER
• The Dead Cow 555-6238
• TNA Taxi Service 555-455-8008
• GameStop T-Shirt #42637867
#Rocket ... Activates RPG cheat
#AS12Riot ... Activates Riotgun cheat
#K6Krukov ... Activates Krukov cheat
#12Gauge ... Activates 12gauge cheat
#Tombstone ... Activates Tombstone cheat
#T3KUrban ... Activates Urban cheat
#GDHC50 ... Activates GDHC 50 cheat
#Shepherd ... Activates .44 Shepherd cheat
#NR4 ... Activates NR4 cheat
#Pipebomb ... Activates Pipe Bomb cheat
#Vice9 ... Activates Vice9 cheat
#Knife ... Activates Knife cheat
#Molotov ... Activates Molotov Cocktail cheat
#Grenade ... Activates Hand Grenades cheat
911 ... Slow life regeneration (?)
#42637867 ... Gamestop/EBGames t-shirt (costume)
555 018 0174 ... Access Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)
555 455 8008 ... Access TNA Taxi Service
555 5966 ... Access Eye for an Eye Voodoo
555 7296 ... Access On the Fence (Pawn Shop)
555 3863 ... Access Lik-a-Chick
555 6238 ... Access The Dead Cow
555 3493 ... Access Rim Jobs
555 9467 ... Access Legal Lee's
555 9473 ... Access Grounds for Divorce
555 5926 ... Access On The Rag Clothing
#SPRINT ... Activates Infinite Sprint
#66639 ... Activates money accruement
#AQUA ... Activates and spawns an Aqua car
#AMMO ... Activates infinite ammo
#10 ... Activates random lightning strikes
555 3765 ... Access Brown Baggers
1 555 ITS OVER ... Access Suicide Hotline
555 2626 ... Access Stocks
555 2445 ... Guy in chicken suit (?)
Note that the in-game cheats (i.e., Pipe Bomb cheat) must be toggled on the in-game cheat menu. Toggling cheats on will remove the possibility of earning gamertag achievements. Simply toggle off cheats and reboot the game to continue earning achievements.
Submitted by SuperTool
Corrections by Frank_West02, BPMorris2, jon-sarah, will_rlsa
Cheat - Car List
Unverified. Go to your phone and put in each of these seperatly and they will got to your garage.
2. #AQUA
6. #FIVE-O
11. #ZIMOS
22. #NRG V8
26. #FBI
28. #TAXI
32. #VEGAS
34. #VOXEL
37. #MAG
40. #ANT
41. #BARON
49. #QUOTA
51. #TITAN
58. #VOTEX
62. #THE JOB
63. #VENOM
The second list are vehicles you cannot store in your car park.
2. #MULE
Submitted by dylanmosesberg
Unlockable: "Atrazione" Exotic Car
You must finish all 3 Hitman Activities.
Submitted by Vitto86
Unlockable: 10% Stamina Boost
You must collect Vice Kings tags.
Submitted by dingoblat
Unlockable: Permanent 50% discount at Friendly Fire
You must complete all of the Hitman activities.
Submitted by Clampitt
Unlockable: 10% Stamina Boost
You must collect Westside Rollerz tags.
Submitted by xemas
Unlockable: Benjamin King's Penthouse
You must finish Return Of The King.
Submitted by fowan81
Hint - Gunshop Follies
I have noticed that sometimes when you enter a gun shop from the back, the people drop the gun's they are holding and leave. Leaving the guns on the ground. I found this works best when there are 2 or more people in the shop. Another way is to go into a store and kill the people with soemthing else, take the guns and run off the cops if needed.
Submitted by cskid621
Hint - Zip Guns For Free
If you enter Rim Job's in the starting area, make the shop keeper set off the alarm by firing your gun. The police will come to take you away but the uniforms apparently can't enter the garage.
This is great (unless it is patched). You can hide on the corners and pick off the police as much as you like and they can't touch you. The only time you are in danger will be if you're in the open. Once your health gets low, just duck back behind the corner and heal up.
This is a cheap and easy way to get weapons and ammo for free. After killing a few cops, wait for a break in the action and then dash out and scoop up the weapons and cash they've left behind. I managed to max out on pistol rounds, shotgun shells and SWAT rifle ammo in almost no time at all. Once you've had enough you can run into the office and wait out your wanted timer until the cops leave. How's that for street smarts?
Submitted by Terraphon (bigbaldugly)
Hint - Insurance Fraud Payout
You have to fall into or Under moving cars, not just fall to the ground unless you only want a few hundred dollars.
One of the key things to look for after the first few levels is the freeway. The UI leads you close to an overpass on a lot of the 100k levels.
Jump off the overpass and run at a car or truck. As soon as you are about to make contact, dive. If you do it right, it will not look like you dove at all and you will rake up 30K each try.
Also on some of the street ones, I park my car to block one land to force the traffic into the center. Here you can run straight at a car and dive directly into it. I got huge points even diving into cars not going fast.
Also, you can get a police car before starting the Insurance Fraud activity. Having a civic vehicle involved in the accident is an automatic multiplier, and it's very durable and goes pretty fast, so it's not too tough to launch through the windshield as you hit on-coming traffic. With witnesses and hitting another on-coming car as you fly out giving you air bonuses and distance bonuses, it's possible to clear level 8 with just one hit.
Submitted by Deathjester_PFC and BullwinkleJ
There are several multipliers that when stacked correctly can add up to HUGE point payouts, allowing you to easily dispatch the Insurance Fraud 'extra' in no time at all.
The multipliers are as follows -- Vehicle, Witness, Hang Time, Vehicle Eject, Civil Vehicle and Distance.
Using the following method I scored 134,200.00 in one accident. The key is the civil vehicle multiplier. Steal a police car, build as much speed as possible and ram head on into traffic (for huge numbers you must be ejected from the windshield). For every other vehicle your body hits after going through the windshield the vehicle modifier doubles.
So if you were to ram head on into another vehicle and are ejected you will receive both the 'vehicle' and 'eject' mods, if your body hits another vehicle you gain another 'vehicle' mod. Every combo of a particular multiplier doubles the mod.
For the situation above you would receive a a x2 vehicle mod, another x4 vehicle mod, a x5 vehicle eject mod PLUS any 'witness', 'hang time', 'distance' and the all important 'Civil Vehicle' mod.
I had no witnesses and only hit one other car on my way through the windshield and I scored 134,200 points on my first try! Addendum by Hewhoisiam06422
Hint - Hitman Target Selection
Unverified. You don't have to spend hours driving around looking for a specific person. All you have to do is find an NPC that looks like a target from your list anywhere in the city (For example, a person in a hotdog suit).
Your chances of finding a character of that type are increased if they are not selected in your HUD. Once you find a qualifying individual, open your activities window and make them the active target, then kill them in the specified manner.
You'll still have to draw the police guys out by getting law enforcement attention.
Submitted by slick_j_2002
Hint - Making Armed Robbery Work For You
To get a bit more money from hold-ups in the various shops located around the city, make sure to hit up the cash registers on your way out. And if you do it MY way, you'l get away with no police attention.
Get the money from the safe and kill the clerk. Make sure that you kill them with melee weapons and not by shooting them or there's a good chance you'll set the alarm off. If there's anyone else in the store (I've only done this with 1 patron, not 2), do them the same way. Beat the snot out of them to make sure they can't set off the alarm and then take one of your guns and shoot the registers. At least ONE of them will always drop some bills and change.
If you're going to do this, make sure you don't have a homie with you that may pull out their gun and start shooting. Once they fire their weapon, the police will be notified.
Submitted by Terraphon (bigbaldugly)
Unlockable - Zombie Lin Homie
After the leader of the Westside Rollerz missions dies, you can have her come back as a zombie. Be sure to have a Reaper vehicle in the garage. Call Eye for an Eye (5555966) and you add her as a party member. She drives a hearse, beats people with her own arm, and sometimes eat a dead body also.
Submitted by The Great Deku Tree
Hint - Money And How To Farm It
Find an armored car, take it to one of your cribs and store it. Go to the nearest Friendly Fire and buy a crap load of pipe bombs, head back and take the armored car out (and blow it up). Usually a few thousand bucks will come out. However, since you stored the truck in your garage, you can just keep buying it back for 500 bucks and the money will be there every time. This is a good way to get the penny pincher achievement and hoard some cash on the side.
Submitted by strikerz3ro112
After the armored car explodes and it drops the money(Armored Car is inside your garage on fire), you sprint out to the garage selection screen quickly choose the Armor car repair selection repair it before the garage door closes.
The car will be bugged and will explode upon getting hit once (Spawns with no health). So you can easily destroy every car every 3 seconds for a quick-earn money. It's to prevent you from getting 12 ammo of shotgun shells everytime you try and explode an Armored Car.
Addendum by d6661
Easter Egg - Street Soccer
This is a fun and easy easter egg. First you have to be able to find the rollers mantion. (Uncle Will's) Its located West and if you have unlocked this as your crib it should be even more easy.
Go to the mantion then go to the back with the garage or you can just try to find a easy was on the roof. then get to the top wher you see a chiminy. get in the chiminy and ther is a soccer ball waiting for you. you can have fun just by kicking it around!
Submitted by Tacoman63
Hint - Easy Safe Packages
Unverifed. If you go to a store before it closes you'll notice that when you walk in, the door is left open. Stay in the store for a while and look around buy what you want. Leave the building through the door you came through but don't walk so far away that the door is out of view. Head back to the door and there should be a boot print on one door and the other door should still be open. The store clerk will be gone. When you hit the safe there should be no alarm and no cops. You're good to go. Pack up your vehicle and head to the pawn shop.
Submitted by Hrtbeat212005
Hint - Car Warp
Instead of wasting time going in a car through the door, all need to do is hop on top of the car and press YELLOW you will be instantly teleported into the driver's seat. This really helps when stuck in a shoot out and you need to leave quickly.
Submitted by rep1time
Glitch - City Sights, City Lights
This glitch can be used in single player.This will allow you to get on tall buildings. This glitch wont really help you but its a fun glitch to do. Find a police car. Then find a large building with a flat wall(may be hard to find one but there are some).
Manage to get the police car side ways on the wall. You can usually do this by ramming the wall with the side of your car. Once you do this, drive forward and up. You will begin to climb the wall. Once you reach the top edge of the building, the car will lean forward. When it does then get out -- sometimes the car will not make it up with you. Now you will be at the top of the building, and if it is tall enough you can view thw whole city all around. Enjoy!
Saints Row Online Strategy Guide
Welcome to the dirty world of Saints Row, where shotguns, rival gangs, and liquor bottles are commonplace. Whether you've just begun your hoodlum career or need help rising the upper ranks of gang life, our guide's got you covered.
In this Saints Row strategy guide, you'll find:
• BASICS // Advanced combat tips and info on stores and their locations.
• WALKTHROUGH // Complete Saints Row walkthrough with strategies for all main missions and tips for the extra stuff, to boot.
• VEHICLES // Car check list to help you complete your collection.
• SECRETS // Achievements, passcode cheats, and more.
Get the Saints Row Online Strategy Guide
Cheat List
Unverified. You must pause the game and hold down the L or the R TRIGGER. This will access the phone. Select DIAL, then enter and CALL:
• Ambulace (Restores Health) 911
• Brown Baggers 555-3765
• Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)(555) 018-0174
• Eye for an Eye Voodoo 555-5966
• Give money #66639
• God's Wrath (lightning strikes randomly) #10
• Police level reduced #nocops
• Gang level reduced #no gangs
• Grounds for Divorce 555-9473
• Infinite Ammo #AMMO
• Infinite Sprint #SPRINT
• Legal Lee's 555-9467
• Lik-a-Chick 555-3863
• On the Fence (Pawn Shop) 555-7296
• On The Rag Clothing 555-5926
• Rim Jobs 555-3493
• Stocks 555-2626
• Suicide Hotline 1-555-ITS-OVER
• The Dead Cow 555-6238
• TNA Taxi Service 555-455-8008
• GameStop T-Shirt #42637867
#Rocket ... Activates RPG cheat
#AS12Riot ... Activates Riotgun cheat
#K6Krukov ... Activates Krukov cheat
#12Gauge ... Activates 12gauge cheat
#Tombstone ... Activates Tombstone cheat
#T3KUrban ... Activates Urban cheat
#GDHC50 ... Activates GDHC 50 cheat
#Shepherd ... Activates .44 Shepherd cheat
#NR4 ... Activates NR4 cheat
#Pipebomb ... Activates Pipe Bomb cheat
#Vice9 ... Activates Vice9 cheat
#Knife ... Activates Knife cheat
#Molotov ... Activates Molotov Cocktail cheat
#Grenade ... Activates Hand Grenades cheat
911 ... Slow life regeneration (?)
#42637867 ... Gamestop/EBGames t-shirt (costume)
555 018 0174 ... Access Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)
555 455 8008 ... Access TNA Taxi Service
555 5966 ... Access Eye for an Eye Voodoo
555 7296 ... Access On the Fence (Pawn Shop)
555 3863 ... Access Lik-a-Chick
555 6238 ... Access The Dead Cow
555 3493 ... Access Rim Jobs
555 9467 ... Access Legal Lee's
555 9473 ... Access Grounds for Divorce
555 5926 ... Access On The Rag Clothing
#SPRINT ... Activates Infinite Sprint
#66639 ... Activates money accruement
#AQUA ... Activates and spawns an Aqua car
#AMMO ... Activates infinite ammo
#10 ... Activates random lightning strikes
555 3765 ... Access Brown Baggers
1 555 ITS OVER ... Access Suicide Hotline
555 2626 ... Access Stocks
555 2445 ... Guy in chicken suit (?)
Note that the in-game cheats (i.e., Pipe Bomb cheat) must be toggled on the in-game cheat menu. Toggling cheats on will remove the possibility of earning gamertag achievements. Simply toggle off cheats and reboot the game to continue earning achievements.
Submitted by SuperTool
Corrections by Frank_West02, BPMorris2, jon-sarah, will_rlsa
Cheat - Car List
Unverified. Go to your phone and put in each of these seperatly and they will got to your garage.
2. #AQUA
6. #FIVE-O
11. #ZIMOS
22. #NRG V8
26. #FBI
28. #TAXI
32. #VEGAS
34. #VOXEL
37. #MAG
40. #ANT
41. #BARON
49. #QUOTA
51. #TITAN
58. #VOTEX
62. #THE JOB
63. #VENOM
The second list are vehicles you cannot store in your car park.
2. #MULE
Submitted by dylanmosesberg
Unlockable: "Atrazione" Exotic Car
You must finish all 3 Hitman Activities.
Submitted by Vitto86
Unlockable: 10% Stamina Boost
You must collect Vice Kings tags.
Submitted by dingoblat
Unlockable: Permanent 50% discount at Friendly Fire
You must complete all of the Hitman activities.
Submitted by Clampitt
Unlockable: 10% Stamina Boost
You must collect Westside Rollerz tags.
Submitted by xemas
Unlockable: Benjamin King's Penthouse
You must finish Return Of The King.
Submitted by fowan81
Hint - Gunshop Follies
I have noticed that sometimes when you enter a gun shop from the back, the people drop the gun's they are holding and leave. Leaving the guns on the ground. I found this works best when there are 2 or more people in the shop. Another way is to go into a store and kill the people with soemthing else, take the guns and run off the cops if needed.
Submitted by cskid621
Hint - Zip Guns For Free
If you enter Rim Job's in the starting area, make the shop keeper set off the alarm by firing your gun. The police will come to take you away but the uniforms apparently can't enter the garage.
This is great (unless it is patched). You can hide on the corners and pick off the police as much as you like and they can't touch you. The only time you are in danger will be if you're in the open. Once your health gets low, just duck back behind the corner and heal up.
This is a cheap and easy way to get weapons and ammo for free. After killing a few cops, wait for a break in the action and then dash out and scoop up the weapons and cash they've left behind. I managed to max out on pistol rounds, shotgun shells and SWAT rifle ammo in almost no time at all. Once you've had enough you can run into the office and wait out your wanted timer until the cops leave. How's that for street smarts?
Submitted by Terraphon (bigbaldugly)
Hint - Insurance Fraud Payout
You have to fall into or Under moving cars, not just fall to the ground unless you only want a few hundred dollars.
One of the key things to look for after the first few levels is the freeway. The UI leads you close to an overpass on a lot of the 100k levels.
Jump off the overpass and run at a car or truck. As soon as you are about to make contact, dive. If you do it right, it will not look like you dove at all and you will rake up 30K each try.
Also on some of the street ones, I park my car to block one land to force the traffic into the center. Here you can run straight at a car and dive directly into it. I got huge points even diving into cars not going fast.
Also, you can get a police car before starting the Insurance Fraud activity. Having a civic vehicle involved in the accident is an automatic multiplier, and it's very durable and goes pretty fast, so it's not too tough to launch through the windshield as you hit on-coming traffic. With witnesses and hitting another on-coming car as you fly out giving you air bonuses and distance bonuses, it's possible to clear level 8 with just one hit.
Submitted by Deathjester_PFC and BullwinkleJ
There are several multipliers that when stacked correctly can add up to HUGE point payouts, allowing you to easily dispatch the Insurance Fraud 'extra' in no time at all.
The multipliers are as follows -- Vehicle, Witness, Hang Time, Vehicle Eject, Civil Vehicle and Distance.
Using the following method I scored 134,200.00 in one accident. The key is the civil vehicle multiplier. Steal a police car, build as much speed as possible and ram head on into traffic (for huge numbers you must be ejected from the windshield). For every other vehicle your body hits after going through the windshield the vehicle modifier doubles.
So if you were to ram head on into another vehicle and are ejected you will receive both the 'vehicle' and 'eject' mods, if your body hits another vehicle you gain another 'vehicle' mod. Every combo of a particular multiplier doubles the mod.
For the situation above you would receive a a x2 vehicle mod, another x4 vehicle mod, a x5 vehicle eject mod PLUS any 'witness', 'hang time', 'distance' and the all important 'Civil Vehicle' mod.
I had no witnesses and only hit one other car on my way through the windshield and I scored 134,200 points on my first try! Addendum by Hewhoisiam06422
Hint - Hitman Target Selection
Unverified. You don't have to spend hours driving around looking for a specific person. All you have to do is find an NPC that looks like a target from your list anywhere in the city (For example, a person in a hotdog suit).
Your chances of finding a character of that type are increased if they are not selected in your HUD. Once you find a qualifying individual, open your activities window and make them the active target, then kill them in the specified manner.
You'll still have to draw the police guys out by getting law enforcement attention.
Submitted by slick_j_2002
Hint - Making Armed Robbery Work For You
To get a bit more money from hold-ups in the various shops located around the city, make sure to hit up the cash registers on your way out. And if you do it MY way, you'l get away with no police attention.
Get the money from the safe and kill the clerk. Make sure that you kill them with melee weapons and not by shooting them or there's a good chance you'll set the alarm off. If there's anyone else in the store (I've only done this with 1 patron, not 2), do them the same way. Beat the snot out of them to make sure they can't set off the alarm and then take one of your guns and shoot the registers. At least ONE of them will always drop some bills and change.
If you're going to do this, make sure you don't have a homie with you that may pull out their gun and start shooting. Once they fire their weapon, the police will be notified.
Submitted by Terraphon (bigbaldugly)
Unlockable - Zombie Lin Homie
After the leader of the Westside Rollerz missions dies, you can have her come back as a zombie. Be sure to have a Reaper vehicle in the garage. Call Eye for an Eye (5555966) and you add her as a party member. She drives a hearse, beats people with her own arm, and sometimes eat a dead body also.
Submitted by The Great Deku Tree
Hint - Money And How To Farm It
Find an armored car, take it to one of your cribs and store it. Go to the nearest Friendly Fire and buy a crap load of pipe bombs, head back and take the armored car out (and blow it up). Usually a few thousand bucks will come out. However, since you stored the truck in your garage, you can just keep buying it back for 500 bucks and the money will be there every time. This is a good way to get the penny pincher achievement and hoard some cash on the side.
Submitted by strikerz3ro112
After the armored car explodes and it drops the money(Armored Car is inside your garage on fire), you sprint out to the garage selection screen quickly choose the Armor car repair selection repair it before the garage door closes.
The car will be bugged and will explode upon getting hit once (Spawns with no health). So you can easily destroy every car every 3 seconds for a quick-earn money. It's to prevent you from getting 12 ammo of shotgun shells everytime you try and explode an Armored Car.
Addendum by d6661
Easter Egg - Street Soccer
This is a fun and easy easter egg. First you have to be able to find the rollers mantion. (Uncle Will's) Its located West and if you have unlocked this as your crib it should be even more easy.
Go to the mantion then go to the back with the garage or you can just try to find a easy was on the roof. then get to the top wher you see a chiminy. get in the chiminy and ther is a soccer ball waiting for you. you can have fun just by kicking it around!
Submitted by Tacoman63
Hint - Easy Safe Packages
Unverifed. If you go to a store before it closes you'll notice that when you walk in, the door is left open. Stay in the store for a while and look around buy what you want. Leave the building through the door you came through but don't walk so far away that the door is out of view. Head back to the door and there should be a boot print on one door and the other door should still be open. The store clerk will be gone. When you hit the safe there should be no alarm and no cops. You're good to go. Pack up your vehicle and head to the pawn shop.
Submitted by Hrtbeat212005
Hint - Car Warp
Instead of wasting time going in a car through the door, all need to do is hop on top of the car and press YELLOW you will be instantly teleported into the driver's seat. This really helps when stuck in a shoot out and you need to leave quickly.
Submitted by rep1time
Glitch - City Sights, City Lights
This glitch can be used in single player.This will allow you to get on tall buildings. This glitch wont really help you but its a fun glitch to do. Find a police car. Then find a large building with a flat wall(may be hard to find one but there are some).
Manage to get the police car side ways on the wall. You can usually do this by ramming the wall with the side of your car. Once you do this, drive forward and up. You will begin to climb the wall. Once you reach the top edge of the building, the car will lean forward. When it does then get out -- sometimes the car will not make it up with you. Now you will be at the top of the building, and if it is tall enough you can view thw whole city all around. Enjoy!
Respostas da aula de inglês do Bully (o de ps2)
palavras da aula de ingles
como tem muita gente com duvida na aula de ingles resolvi faze esse favorzinho.
Respostas para as aulas de Inglês:
Aula de Inglês 1 -- Construa 7 palavras com as letras "ELMOLW".
Respostas: Ell, Elm, Low, Mel, Mew, Mol, Mow, Ole, Owe, Owl, Lowe, Meow, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Well, Mellow.
Aula de Inglês 2 -- Construa 14 palavras com as letras "THFSGI".
Respostas: Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights.
Aula de Inglês 3 -- Construa 15 palavras com as letras "ELISSM".
Respostas: Elm, Ism, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Isle, Isms, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Mils, Miss, Semi, Sims, Slim, Isles, Limes, Miles, Seism, Semis, Slime, Slims, Smile, Slimes, Smiles.
Aula de Inglês 4 -- Construa 19 palavras com as letras "RAOCYN".
Respostas: Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Roc, Yon, Corn, Cory, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Corny, Crony, Rayon, Crayon.
Aula de Inglês 5 -- Construa 22 palavras com as letras "DGRAGE".
Respostas: Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Raged, Dagger, Ragged
como tem muita gente com duvida na aula de ingles resolvi faze esse favorzinho.
Respostas para as aulas de Inglês:
Aula de Inglês 1 -- Construa 7 palavras com as letras "ELMOLW".
Respostas: Ell, Elm, Low, Mel, Mew, Mol, Mow, Ole, Owe, Owl, Lowe, Meow, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Well, Mellow.
Aula de Inglês 2 -- Construa 14 palavras com as letras "THFSGI".
Respostas: Fig, Fit, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hits, Sift, Sigh, This, Fight, Gifts, Shift, Sight, Fights.
Aula de Inglês 3 -- Construa 15 palavras com as letras "ELISSM".
Respostas: Elm, Ism, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Isle, Isms, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Mils, Miss, Semi, Sims, Slim, Isles, Limes, Miles, Seism, Semis, Slime, Slims, Smile, Slimes, Smiles.
Aula de Inglês 4 -- Construa 19 palavras com as letras "RAOCYN".
Respostas: Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Ran, Ray, Roc, Yon, Corn, Cory, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Corny, Crony, Rayon, Crayon.
Aula de Inglês 5 -- Construa 22 palavras com as letras "DGRAGE".
Respostas: Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Raged, Dagger, Ragged
Sobre artes marciais !!!
Já estão abertas as inscrições para Wikimania 2008.
Artes marciais
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Ir para: navegação, pesquisa
Artes Marciais
Kung fu · Baguazhang · Hsing-I Chuan · Tai Chi Chuan · I-Chuan · Wing Chun · Wushu · Shaolin Quan · Bajiquan · Suai Jiao · Chin-Na · Kempo · Sanshou
Aikido · Bojutsu · Bujutsu · Caratê · Iaido · Iaijutsu · Jiu-Jitsu · Judô · Kendo · Kenjutsu · Kyudo · Naginata · Ninjutsu · Sojutsu · Sumô
Muay Thai · Krabi Krabong
Hapkido · Haidong Gumdo · Taekwondo · Tangsudo
Viet vo dao · Qwan Ki Do
ArtDo · Boxe · Capoeira · Esgrima · Full Contact · Jeet Kune Do · Jogo do pau · Kombato · Krav Maga · Luta greco-romana · Luta livre · Morganti Ju Jitsu · Sambô · Savate · Shobu-ryu · Wrestling · Vale-tudo
Samurai · Shihan · Katana · Wakizashi · Dan (artes marciais) · Hakama · Dojo · Chi Kung · Ninja
Lista de armas de artes marciais
Lista de desportos olímpicos
Lista de desportos
As artes marciais são sistemas de práticas e tradições para treinamento de combate, geralmente, sem o uso de armas de fogo ou outros dispositivos modernos.
1 A origem do termo artes marciais
2 A História das Artes Marciais
3 Sistemas de classificação dos estilos de luta
3.1 Na China
3.2 No Japão
3.3 No Ocidente
4 Veja também
A origem do termo artes marciais
Gravura representando uma luta de arte marcial sem o uso de armas, do Wu Pei Chih.
MarteA origem do termo artes marciais é ocidental e latina, uma referência às artes de guerra e luta. Sua origem é vinculada ao deus da guerra greco-romano Marte. Assim, as artes marciais segundo esta mitologia são as artes ensinadas pelo Deus Marte aos homens.
As artes militares ou marciais são todas as práticas utilizadas pelos exércitos no desenvolvimento de treinamento e habilidades para o uso em guerras não importando a origem ou povo que a criou.
Hoje, o termo artes marciais é usado para todos os sistemas de combate de origem oriental e ocidental, com ou sem o uso de armas tradicionais. No oriente, existem outros termos mais adequados para a definição destas artes, como Wu Shu na China e Bu-Shi-Do no Japão que também significam artes de guerra, ou "Caminho do Guerreiro".
Muitas destas artes de guerra do oriente e ocidente deram origem a artes atuais que hoje são praticadas em todo o mundo como Caratê, Kung Fu, Tae-Kwon-Do, Esgrima, Arqueirismo, Hipismo etc, e se diferem dos esportes de combate como o Boxe, Judo, Luta Olimpica, pois no esporte prevalecem as regras definidas para cada competição, já as modalidades que têm uma origem mais marcial têm como objetivo a defesa pessoal em uma situação de risco sem regras, e com o enfoque principal na formação do caratér do ser humano. No Japão, estas artes são chamadas de Bu-Dô ou "Um caminho educacional através das lutas".
A História das Artes Marciais
O Boxe já era praticado no antigo Mediterrâneo.Sua origem confunde-se com o desenvolvimento da civilização quando, logo após o desenvolvimento da onda tecnológica agrícola, alguns começam a acumular riqueza e poder, ensejando o surgimento de cobiça, inveja, e seu corolário, a agressão.
A necessidade abriu espaço para a profissionalização da proteção pessoal. Embora a versão mais conhecida da arte marcial, principalmente a história oriental, tenha como foco principal Bodhidharma monge indiano que em viagem à China orientou os monges chineses na prática do yoga e rudimentos da arte marcial indiana o que caracterizou posteriormente na criação de um estilo próprio pelos monges de shaolin, é sabido históricamente, através da tradição oral e escavações arqueológicas que o kung fu já existia na China há mais de cinco mil anos. Da China estes conhecimentos se expandiram por quase toda a ásia. Japão e Coréia também têm tradição milenar em artes marciais.
Roda de capoeira.Recentes descobertas arqueológicas também mostram guardas pessoais, na Mesopotâmia, praticando técnicas de defesa e de imobilização de agressores. Paralelamente, o mundo ocidental desenvolveu outros sistemas, como o Savate francês. Atualmente, pessoas de todo o mundo estudam artes marciais por diferentes motivos como condicionamento físico, defesa pessoal, coordenação física, lazer, desenvolvimento de disciplina, participação em um grupo social, e estruturação de uma personalidade sadia pois a prática possibilita o extravasamento da tensão que harmoniza o indivíduo focalizando-o positivamente.
Sistemas de classificação dos estilos de luta
Existem diversos sistemas distintos de classificação dos estilos de arte marcial, adotados por diferentes culturas em momentos históricos específicos.
Na China
Praticantes de Tai Chi Chuan em treinamentoAs artes de lutas estão classificadas em dois grupos:
Wu Shu = artes de guerra onde se encontra os estilos tradicionais mais antigos, que se sub dividem em:
Estilos externos = que usam a força física. Ex: Shaolin e suas divisões.
Estilos Internos = que usam a Energia Ki. Ex: Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Zhang, Xing Yi Chuan.
Kuo-Shu = artes chinesas, onde se encontram os estilos mais recentes e modernos, muito destes adaptados a competição.
No Japão
No Japão
As artes da luta também se dividem em três grupos:
Bugei = o sistema é simplório, se referindo a técnicas de guerrear com o aprendizado voltado à manipulação e domínio de equipamentos bélicos tradicionais, como o arco e flecha, os diferentes tipos de espada, lança, alabardas, foices, bastões, machados, correntes, dentre vários outros, característicos da época e região.
Bujutsu = Ele está relacionado a todas as modalidades técnicas necessárias para o combate corporal, é composto por um conjunto de técnicas do bugei, definido como bugei juhappan (as 18 disciplinas de combate), incluindo equitação e natação; foi estabelecido após o período Kamakura japonês (1192-1333), após a chegada da classe samurai ao poder, sendo sua prática limitada a membros da elite guerreira, cabendo o domínio total das técnicas somente a uma pessoa, o fundador do estilo. Ex. Budo taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Ninjutsu e etc.
Budo = O budo é a evolução do bujutsu, juntamente com o bugei; contudo, o budo foi dividido em duas linhas de evolução: a linha esportiva competitiva e a linha de estudo da técnica marcial sem o propósito de guerra, evolução característica da arte marcial, e outras que mantiveram-se desde a antiguidade. Ex: Karate, Judo, Aikido, Kendo, Kyudo, etc.
No Ocidente
Artes marciais mistas.Diversas práticas marciais estão vinculadas unicamente à luta e à defesa pessoal, situação muito distinta da do oriente, que as integra a um sistema filosófico que prepara o praticante também física e espiritualmente, criando uma consciência da futilidade de viver competindo e de utilizar sua arte para agredir quem não tem o mesmo preparo.
Entre os estilos ocidentais de luta podemos citar: Savate, Kickboxing, Boxe, Luta Livre, Capoeira, Esgrima, Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu e outros mais recentes criados principalmente da mescla com sistemas de luta orientais.
Segundo alguns historiadores, o Pankration, uma das artes marciais do Ocidente, foi levada pelos exércitos de Alexandre, o Grande, para o Oriente.
Artes marciais
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Ir para: navegação, pesquisa
Artes Marciais
Kung fu · Baguazhang · Hsing-I Chuan · Tai Chi Chuan · I-Chuan · Wing Chun · Wushu · Shaolin Quan · Bajiquan · Suai Jiao · Chin-Na · Kempo · Sanshou
Aikido · Bojutsu · Bujutsu · Caratê · Iaido · Iaijutsu · Jiu-Jitsu · Judô · Kendo · Kenjutsu · Kyudo · Naginata · Ninjutsu · Sojutsu · Sumô
Muay Thai · Krabi Krabong
Hapkido · Haidong Gumdo · Taekwondo · Tangsudo
Viet vo dao · Qwan Ki Do
ArtDo · Boxe · Capoeira · Esgrima · Full Contact · Jeet Kune Do · Jogo do pau · Kombato · Krav Maga · Luta greco-romana · Luta livre · Morganti Ju Jitsu · Sambô · Savate · Shobu-ryu · Wrestling · Vale-tudo
Samurai · Shihan · Katana · Wakizashi · Dan (artes marciais) · Hakama · Dojo · Chi Kung · Ninja
Lista de armas de artes marciais
Lista de desportos olímpicos
Lista de desportos
As artes marciais são sistemas de práticas e tradições para treinamento de combate, geralmente, sem o uso de armas de fogo ou outros dispositivos modernos.
1 A origem do termo artes marciais
2 A História das Artes Marciais
3 Sistemas de classificação dos estilos de luta
3.1 Na China
3.2 No Japão
3.3 No Ocidente
4 Veja também
A origem do termo artes marciais
Gravura representando uma luta de arte marcial sem o uso de armas, do Wu Pei Chih.
MarteA origem do termo artes marciais é ocidental e latina, uma referência às artes de guerra e luta. Sua origem é vinculada ao deus da guerra greco-romano Marte. Assim, as artes marciais segundo esta mitologia são as artes ensinadas pelo Deus Marte aos homens.
As artes militares ou marciais são todas as práticas utilizadas pelos exércitos no desenvolvimento de treinamento e habilidades para o uso em guerras não importando a origem ou povo que a criou.
Hoje, o termo artes marciais é usado para todos os sistemas de combate de origem oriental e ocidental, com ou sem o uso de armas tradicionais. No oriente, existem outros termos mais adequados para a definição destas artes, como Wu Shu na China e Bu-Shi-Do no Japão que também significam artes de guerra, ou "Caminho do Guerreiro".
Muitas destas artes de guerra do oriente e ocidente deram origem a artes atuais que hoje são praticadas em todo o mundo como Caratê, Kung Fu, Tae-Kwon-Do, Esgrima, Arqueirismo, Hipismo etc, e se diferem dos esportes de combate como o Boxe, Judo, Luta Olimpica, pois no esporte prevalecem as regras definidas para cada competição, já as modalidades que têm uma origem mais marcial têm como objetivo a defesa pessoal em uma situação de risco sem regras, e com o enfoque principal na formação do caratér do ser humano. No Japão, estas artes são chamadas de Bu-Dô ou "Um caminho educacional através das lutas".
A História das Artes Marciais
O Boxe já era praticado no antigo Mediterrâneo.Sua origem confunde-se com o desenvolvimento da civilização quando, logo após o desenvolvimento da onda tecnológica agrícola, alguns começam a acumular riqueza e poder, ensejando o surgimento de cobiça, inveja, e seu corolário, a agressão.
A necessidade abriu espaço para a profissionalização da proteção pessoal. Embora a versão mais conhecida da arte marcial, principalmente a história oriental, tenha como foco principal Bodhidharma monge indiano que em viagem à China orientou os monges chineses na prática do yoga e rudimentos da arte marcial indiana o que caracterizou posteriormente na criação de um estilo próprio pelos monges de shaolin, é sabido históricamente, através da tradição oral e escavações arqueológicas que o kung fu já existia na China há mais de cinco mil anos. Da China estes conhecimentos se expandiram por quase toda a ásia. Japão e Coréia também têm tradição milenar em artes marciais.
Roda de capoeira.Recentes descobertas arqueológicas também mostram guardas pessoais, na Mesopotâmia, praticando técnicas de defesa e de imobilização de agressores. Paralelamente, o mundo ocidental desenvolveu outros sistemas, como o Savate francês. Atualmente, pessoas de todo o mundo estudam artes marciais por diferentes motivos como condicionamento físico, defesa pessoal, coordenação física, lazer, desenvolvimento de disciplina, participação em um grupo social, e estruturação de uma personalidade sadia pois a prática possibilita o extravasamento da tensão que harmoniza o indivíduo focalizando-o positivamente.
Sistemas de classificação dos estilos de luta
Existem diversos sistemas distintos de classificação dos estilos de arte marcial, adotados por diferentes culturas em momentos históricos específicos.
Na China
Praticantes de Tai Chi Chuan em treinamentoAs artes de lutas estão classificadas em dois grupos:
Wu Shu = artes de guerra onde se encontra os estilos tradicionais mais antigos, que se sub dividem em:
Estilos externos = que usam a força física. Ex: Shaolin e suas divisões.
Estilos Internos = que usam a Energia Ki. Ex: Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Zhang, Xing Yi Chuan.
Kuo-Shu = artes chinesas, onde se encontram os estilos mais recentes e modernos, muito destes adaptados a competição.
No Japão
No Japão
As artes da luta também se dividem em três grupos:
Bugei = o sistema é simplório, se referindo a técnicas de guerrear com o aprendizado voltado à manipulação e domínio de equipamentos bélicos tradicionais, como o arco e flecha, os diferentes tipos de espada, lança, alabardas, foices, bastões, machados, correntes, dentre vários outros, característicos da época e região.
Bujutsu = Ele está relacionado a todas as modalidades técnicas necessárias para o combate corporal, é composto por um conjunto de técnicas do bugei, definido como bugei juhappan (as 18 disciplinas de combate), incluindo equitação e natação; foi estabelecido após o período Kamakura japonês (1192-1333), após a chegada da classe samurai ao poder, sendo sua prática limitada a membros da elite guerreira, cabendo o domínio total das técnicas somente a uma pessoa, o fundador do estilo. Ex. Budo taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Ninjutsu e etc.
Budo = O budo é a evolução do bujutsu, juntamente com o bugei; contudo, o budo foi dividido em duas linhas de evolução: a linha esportiva competitiva e a linha de estudo da técnica marcial sem o propósito de guerra, evolução característica da arte marcial, e outras que mantiveram-se desde a antiguidade. Ex: Karate, Judo, Aikido, Kendo, Kyudo, etc.
No Ocidente
Artes marciais mistas.Diversas práticas marciais estão vinculadas unicamente à luta e à defesa pessoal, situação muito distinta da do oriente, que as integra a um sistema filosófico que prepara o praticante também física e espiritualmente, criando uma consciência da futilidade de viver competindo e de utilizar sua arte para agredir quem não tem o mesmo preparo.
Entre os estilos ocidentais de luta podemos citar: Savate, Kickboxing, Boxe, Luta Livre, Capoeira, Esgrima, Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu e outros mais recentes criados principalmente da mescla com sistemas de luta orientais.
Segundo alguns historiadores, o Pankration, uma das artes marciais do Ocidente, foi levada pelos exércitos de Alexandre, o Grande, para o Oriente.
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Códigos para The Warriors
Essa é a lista completíssima de códigos para o The Warriors de PS2.Todos eles foram testados pra cacete,então ta tudo frmz!
God Mode..........UP, Triangle, L3, Select, X, L2
Give Player All Items..........R1, R2, L1, X, Down, L1
Give Knife..........Down, Down, Select, Up, Up, L3
Give Unbreakable Bat..........L3, L3, Circle, Up, Circle, Select
Give Bat..........Square, R2, Down, Down, L1, L1
Give Molotov Cocktail..........Right, Select, Circle, Left, Circle, Square
Give Machete..........L1, X, R1, R1, Select, R2
Give Pipe..........R2, Circle, Select, Up, L1, Right
Unlock Brass Knuckles..........Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, Select, Triangle
Unlock Steel-toe Boots..........R3, R2, R1, L3, L2, L1
Unlock Cuff Key Drops..........Left, X, X, R2, L1, Down
Unlock Cuff Drops..........Up, X, Up, Select, L3, L1
Uncuff Self..........Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Select, Triangle, R1
Flash Capacity Upgrade..........L2, X, R2, L1, L1, Circle
Flash Upgrade..........Down, Left, Up, Up, Square, Right
Combat Stamina Upgrade..........X, L1, Down, Square, Up, X
Sprint Stamina Upgrade..........L2, Select, Select, Select, Select, Triangle
Hobo Advice Upgrade..........Circle, Circle, Down, R2, L2, Circle
Hobo Allies Upgrade..........R1, R1, L1, R1, L1, Up
All Weapons Dealers On the Map..........Right, R1, Circle, X, Select, Square
Finish Current Level..........Down, Square, X, Select, R1, Left
100% in game..........L1, Select, Square, Down, L2, Right
Turn off Map..........Select, Square, Left, Square, R3, R2
99 Credits for Armies of the Night..........Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right
Unlimited Sprint..........Down, Square, Left, X, L1, Select
Unlimited Rage..........Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left
Clear Police Wanted Level..........Up, Select, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle
God Mode..........UP, Triangle, L3, Select, X, L2
Give Player All Items..........R1, R2, L1, X, Down, L1
Give Knife..........Down, Down, Select, Up, Up, L3
Give Unbreakable Bat..........L3, L3, Circle, Up, Circle, Select
Give Bat..........Square, R2, Down, Down, L1, L1
Give Molotov Cocktail..........Right, Select, Circle, Left, Circle, Square
Give Machete..........L1, X, R1, R1, Select, R2
Give Pipe..........R2, Circle, Select, Up, L1, Right
Unlock Brass Knuckles..........Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, Select, Triangle
Unlock Steel-toe Boots..........R3, R2, R1, L3, L2, L1
Unlock Cuff Key Drops..........Left, X, X, R2, L1, Down
Unlock Cuff Drops..........Up, X, Up, Select, L3, L1
Uncuff Self..........Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Select, Triangle, R1
Flash Capacity Upgrade..........L2, X, R2, L1, L1, Circle
Flash Upgrade..........Down, Left, Up, Up, Square, Right
Combat Stamina Upgrade..........X, L1, Down, Square, Up, X
Sprint Stamina Upgrade..........L2, Select, Select, Select, Select, Triangle
Hobo Advice Upgrade..........Circle, Circle, Down, R2, L2, Circle
Hobo Allies Upgrade..........R1, R1, L1, R1, L1, Up
All Weapons Dealers On the Map..........Right, R1, Circle, X, Select, Square
Finish Current Level..........Down, Square, X, Select, R1, Left
100% in game..........L1, Select, Square, Down, L2, Right
Turn off Map..........Select, Square, Left, Square, R3, R2
99 Credits for Armies of the Night..........Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right
Unlimited Sprint..........Down, Square, Left, X, L1, Select
Unlimited Rage..........Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left
Clear Police Wanted Level..........Up, Select, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle
Cheats para a versão PC
do gta san andreas
Durante o jogo digite:
LXGIWYL = Pack de armas 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ = Pack de armas 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Pack de armas 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Saúde, Armadura e $250 mil dólares (que roubo de cheat!)
OSRBLHH = Aumenta o nível de procurado em 2 estrelas
ASNAEB = Limpa o nível de procurado.
AFZLLQLL = Céu limpo
ICIKPYH = Céu muito limpo.
ALNSFMZO = Tempo nublado
AUIFRVQS = Tempo chuvoso
CFVFGMJ = Neblina
YSOHNUL = O tempo passa mais rápido.
PPGWJHT = Todo o jogo anda mais rápido
LIYOAAY = Todo o jogo fica mais lento
AJLOJYQY = Pedestres se atacam, todos com tacos de golf
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Todo mundo armado
AIWPRTON = Materializar o Rhino
CQZIJMB = Materializar o Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Materializar o Rancher
PDNEJOH = Materializar o Racecar
VPJTQWV = Materializar outro Racecar
AQTBCODX = Materializar o Romero
KRIJEBR = Materializar o Stretch
UBHYZHQ = Materializar o Trashmaster (carro do lixo)
RZHSUEW = Materializar o Caddy (carrinho de golfista)
CPKTNWT = Explodir todos os carros
XICWMD = Carro invisível
PGGOMOY = Direção perfeita
SZCMAWO = Suicídio
ZEIIVG = Todas as luzes verdes
YLTEICZ = Motoristas agressivos
LLQPFBN = Todo o tráfego fica rosa
IOWDLAC = Todo o tráfego fica negro
AFSNMSMW = Barcos voadores
BTCDBCB = Gordo.
JYSDSOD = Maximizar os músculos
KVGYZQK = Magrelo
ASBHGRB = Todo mundo igual ao Elvis
BGLUAWML = Pedestres lhe atacam com armas, lança-foguetes.
CIKGCGX = Todo mundo vestido de roupa de praia
MROEMZH = Todo mundo é membro de gangue
BIFBUZZ = As gangues controlam as ruas
AFPHULTL = Tema Ninja
BEKKNQV = Atrair as prostitutas
BGKGTJH = Todo o tráfego é formado por carros batatos
GUSNHDE = Todo o tráfego é formado por carros rápidos
RIPAZHA = Carros foadores
JHJOECW = Salto gigante da BMX
JUMPJET = Materializar a Hydra
KGGGDKP = Materializar o Vortex
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU = Todos os carros têm nitro
BSXSGGC = Os carros flutuam quando atingidos.
XJVSNAJ = Sempre é meia-noite
OFVIAC = 21:00 - Céu laranja.
MGHXYRM = Temporal
CWJXUOC = Tempestade de areia
LFGMHAL = Mega salto
BAGUVIX = Saúde infinita
CVWKXAM = Oxigênio infinito
AIYPWZQP = Você tem um pára-quedas
YECGAA = Você tem um Jetpack
AEZAKMI = Você nunca será procurado
LJSPQK = Nível de procurado: 6
IAVENJQ = Mega soco
AEDUWNV = Nunca mais sentir fome
IOJUFZN = Perturbação da ordem pública
PRIEBJ = Funhouse Theme
MUNASEF = Modo Adrenalina (tudo em câmera lenta)
WANRLTW = Munição infinita, sem recarregar as armas
OUIQDMW = Mira total enquanto você dirige
THGLOJ = Tráfego reducido.
FVTMNBZ = Todo o tráfego é formado por veículos do campo
SJMAHPE = Recrutar qualquer um (9mm)
BMTPWHR = Veículos e pedestres do campo, roupa de caminhoneiro
ZSOXFSQ = Recrutar qualquer um (Foguetes)
OGXSDAG = Valor máximo de respeito
EHIBXQS = Valos máximo de Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Os táxis têm nitro, buzinar para saltar.
NCSGDAG = Nivel Hitman (Assassino) em todas as armas.
VQIMAHA = Maximizar todas as skills de todos os veículos.
OHDUDE = Materializar o Hunter
AKJJYGLC = Materializar o Quad
AMOMHRER = Materializar o Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT = Materializar o Dozer
URKQSRK = Materializar o Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID = Materializar o Monster
Obs. Algumas dicas são para versão PS2, mas talvez funcionem no PC, basta tentar.
Celular Metralhadora
Quando estiver conversando no celular, pressione triângulo para delisgar e rapidamente mude para a Tec9, então aparecerá um celular que atira!
(desativa quando entrar em um veículo)
Savanna a prova de balas
Depois de terminar a missão 'High Stakes, Low-Rider', Cesar e seu carro ficam na linha de chegada, com portas trancadas. Você pode empurrar o carro para a garagem mais próxima e as portas se destravarão. O carro continua a prova de balas.
Maneira fácil de conseguir um Hunter
Vá ao aeroporto de LV e escolha a corrida Heli Hell, voe com o Hunter até o aeroporto novamente e saia dele para perder, então saia da missão e pegue o Hunter.
Caia de lugares altos e não morra
Fique apertando pular o mais rápido que puder enquanto estiver caindo e você irá ter muito menos dano.
Vinyls de graça na Loco Low co. e Wheel Arch Angels
Cansado das garagens levarem o seu vinyl? Não quer pagar $500 em um bonito vinyl de fogo? Leve seu veículo a sua Mod Shop preferida. Quando estiver lá, seleciona o vinyl que você quer. Agora pressione X e triângulo bem rápido. Seu carro terá o vinyl e você não paga nada. Entretanto, isso não funciona com os outros acessórios. (cores, spoilers etc.) Também veja que você não consertará seu carro.
Vá a qualquer cidade mais cedo sem ficar com 4 estrelas
Pege um veículo e vá onde está dividido entre área trancada e aberta. A área trancada é a região em azul. Não passe a divisa. Espere até ver um policial, ou atire num pedestre para ficar com 1 estrela. Com isso, dirija além da divisa e ande pela cidade um pouco. Você não ficará com 4 estrelas. Depois disso, se mate e você estará no hospital. Depois que sair, você pode andar pela cidade sem estrelas.
CJ sem cabeça
Encontre uma Katane, e entre no modo multiplayer. Faça com que o 2º jogador arranque sua cabeça, então você volta para o modo normal sem cabeça.
Nitro infinito
Se você explodir um carro em sua garagem com o nitro ativado, ele volta com nitro permanente.
Pedestre invencível
Se pegar um carro com um passageiro e ir ao Pay'n'Spray e trancá-lo lá, quando a porta abrir o passageiro estará invencível. Não importa o que faça, você não pode matá-lo.
Mountain Bike derretendo
Pegue uma mountian bike, comece a dar ré segurando quadrado, e enquanto segura ele, comece a apertar X bem rápido.
Quadro de CJ irá se contorcer em formas malucas.
Ele parecerá que está derretendo no chão.
Mountain Bike Pára-quedas
Essa dica é similar a das motos em VC, mas essa tem uma área limitada. Nessa área, você não pode cair da bike, então você pode pular e fazer o que quiser com ela. Para fazer isso você precisa:
1: Vá ao topo do Monte Chiliad
2: Pegue um pára-quedas, que está perto do trailer
3: Pegue a BMX que está no morro para iniciar a corrida
4: Use a rampa a esquerda e pule. Agora pule da bike e abra o pára-quedas.
Se fizer corretamente, você deverá ser transportado para o inicio da corrida (pára-quedas ainda aberto) Agora você pode fazer pulos insanos sem cair da bike.
Sem tráfego
Inicie um novo jogo e chegue até as missões do OG Loc. Na missão da praia, fale com o DJ e responda sempre sim. Quando ele disser vamos dançar, agora apenas saia e não haverá carros nas ruas. Salve o jogo, e agora você pode fazer isso onde você for.
Algumas coisas engraçadas para se fazer com essa dicas eh o cheat "todos te odeiam" para parecer um filme de terror de zumbis, ou aumentar o nível de procurado para perseguições mais rápidas.
Reutilizar o nitro
Quando seu nitro acabar, saia do veículo e volte. Seu nitro estará reabastecido e você não precisará esperar 2 minutos.
Recarregar rapidamente
Quando precisar recarregar rapidamente, pressione L2 então R2 ou vice-versa antes que a munição de CJ acabe.
Pular músicas nas rádios
Você pode pular as músicas das rádios. Mude para outra rádio, então volte para rádio tocando a música que você odeia. Assim que o nome da rádio ficar amarelo, antes da rádio começar a tocas, mude a estação de novo. Mude para a outra estação, e a música que estava sendo tocada será pulada.
Pare com que as gangs rivais tomem seus territórios
Para isso, vá alguma casa e salve o jogo quando a mensagem "sua área está em ataque" aparecer. Isso parará o ataque, e o território continua seu.
Super pulo de bike
Isso necessita que você tenha uma arma que pode ser usado enquanto você anda de bike. Assim que soltar o botão de pulo (L1), aperte bola. Você deve apertar e soltar bem rápido para que a arma não atire. Você pode pular cerca de 2 lojas se tudo der certo.
Caminhos do submundo
Você precisará e um Jetpack para explorar o submundo.
Entrada#1: Vá para o mar ao Leste de LV perto de Sobell Rail Yard. Agora voando sobre a borda perto do nível do mar. Há uma parede de rocha que você pode passar em um certo ponto. A rocha se move. Quando você entrar, você deve voar um pouco ao norte antes de entrar totalmente no submundo.
Entrada#2: Está na "esquina" de uma parede de sua casa em Vinewood, a direita da piscina. Apenas voe em direção a parede com reflexos diferentes.
Modo Wide Screen
Para fazer isso vá há qualquer aeroporto, e compre uma passagem pra qualquer lugar. Quando o avião aparecer na pista coloque o cheat "destroir todos os veículos". Você morrerá, e será mandado ao hospital mais perto, mas a tela continuará em Wide Screen. Atenção: O único jeito de sair do modo Wide Screen é comprar outra passagem, e pular do avião, ou faça uma missão. Você também não será capaz de ver o mapa, saúde, ou colete, armas, dinheiro, nível de procurado, e não pode pausar, ou salvar o jogo.
Durante o jogo digite:
LXGIWYL = Pack de armas 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ = Pack de armas 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Pack de armas 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Saúde, Armadura e $250 mil dólares (que roubo de cheat!)
OSRBLHH = Aumenta o nível de procurado em 2 estrelas
ASNAEB = Limpa o nível de procurado.
AFZLLQLL = Céu limpo
ICIKPYH = Céu muito limpo.
ALNSFMZO = Tempo nublado
AUIFRVQS = Tempo chuvoso
CFVFGMJ = Neblina
YSOHNUL = O tempo passa mais rápido.
PPGWJHT = Todo o jogo anda mais rápido
LIYOAAY = Todo o jogo fica mais lento
AJLOJYQY = Pedestres se atacam, todos com tacos de golf
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Todo mundo armado
AIWPRTON = Materializar o Rhino
CQZIJMB = Materializar o Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Materializar o Rancher
PDNEJOH = Materializar o Racecar
VPJTQWV = Materializar outro Racecar
AQTBCODX = Materializar o Romero
KRIJEBR = Materializar o Stretch
UBHYZHQ = Materializar o Trashmaster (carro do lixo)
RZHSUEW = Materializar o Caddy (carrinho de golfista)
CPKTNWT = Explodir todos os carros
XICWMD = Carro invisível
PGGOMOY = Direção perfeita
SZCMAWO = Suicídio
ZEIIVG = Todas as luzes verdes
YLTEICZ = Motoristas agressivos
LLQPFBN = Todo o tráfego fica rosa
IOWDLAC = Todo o tráfego fica negro
AFSNMSMW = Barcos voadores
BTCDBCB = Gordo.
JYSDSOD = Maximizar os músculos
KVGYZQK = Magrelo
ASBHGRB = Todo mundo igual ao Elvis
BGLUAWML = Pedestres lhe atacam com armas, lança-foguetes.
CIKGCGX = Todo mundo vestido de roupa de praia
MROEMZH = Todo mundo é membro de gangue
BIFBUZZ = As gangues controlam as ruas
AFPHULTL = Tema Ninja
BEKKNQV = Atrair as prostitutas
BGKGTJH = Todo o tráfego é formado por carros batatos
GUSNHDE = Todo o tráfego é formado por carros rápidos
RIPAZHA = Carros foadores
JHJOECW = Salto gigante da BMX
JUMPJET = Materializar a Hydra
KGGGDKP = Materializar o Vortex
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU = Todos os carros têm nitro
BSXSGGC = Os carros flutuam quando atingidos.
XJVSNAJ = Sempre é meia-noite
OFVIAC = 21:00 - Céu laranja.
MGHXYRM = Temporal
CWJXUOC = Tempestade de areia
LFGMHAL = Mega salto
BAGUVIX = Saúde infinita
CVWKXAM = Oxigênio infinito
AIYPWZQP = Você tem um pára-quedas
YECGAA = Você tem um Jetpack
AEZAKMI = Você nunca será procurado
LJSPQK = Nível de procurado: 6
IAVENJQ = Mega soco
AEDUWNV = Nunca mais sentir fome
IOJUFZN = Perturbação da ordem pública
PRIEBJ = Funhouse Theme
MUNASEF = Modo Adrenalina (tudo em câmera lenta)
WANRLTW = Munição infinita, sem recarregar as armas
OUIQDMW = Mira total enquanto você dirige
THGLOJ = Tráfego reducido.
FVTMNBZ = Todo o tráfego é formado por veículos do campo
SJMAHPE = Recrutar qualquer um (9mm)
BMTPWHR = Veículos e pedestres do campo, roupa de caminhoneiro
ZSOXFSQ = Recrutar qualquer um (Foguetes)
OGXSDAG = Valor máximo de respeito
EHIBXQS = Valos máximo de Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Os táxis têm nitro, buzinar para saltar.
NCSGDAG = Nivel Hitman (Assassino) em todas as armas.
VQIMAHA = Maximizar todas as skills de todos os veículos.
OHDUDE = Materializar o Hunter
AKJJYGLC = Materializar o Quad
AMOMHRER = Materializar o Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT = Materializar o Dozer
URKQSRK = Materializar o Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID = Materializar o Monster
Obs. Algumas dicas são para versão PS2, mas talvez funcionem no PC, basta tentar.
Celular Metralhadora
Quando estiver conversando no celular, pressione triângulo para delisgar e rapidamente mude para a Tec9, então aparecerá um celular que atira!
(desativa quando entrar em um veículo)
Savanna a prova de balas
Depois de terminar a missão 'High Stakes, Low-Rider', Cesar e seu carro ficam na linha de chegada, com portas trancadas. Você pode empurrar o carro para a garagem mais próxima e as portas se destravarão. O carro continua a prova de balas.
Maneira fácil de conseguir um Hunter
Vá ao aeroporto de LV e escolha a corrida Heli Hell, voe com o Hunter até o aeroporto novamente e saia dele para perder, então saia da missão e pegue o Hunter.
Caia de lugares altos e não morra
Fique apertando pular o mais rápido que puder enquanto estiver caindo e você irá ter muito menos dano.
Vinyls de graça na Loco Low co. e Wheel Arch Angels
Cansado das garagens levarem o seu vinyl? Não quer pagar $500 em um bonito vinyl de fogo? Leve seu veículo a sua Mod Shop preferida. Quando estiver lá, seleciona o vinyl que você quer. Agora pressione X e triângulo bem rápido. Seu carro terá o vinyl e você não paga nada. Entretanto, isso não funciona com os outros acessórios. (cores, spoilers etc.) Também veja que você não consertará seu carro.
Vá a qualquer cidade mais cedo sem ficar com 4 estrelas
Pege um veículo e vá onde está dividido entre área trancada e aberta. A área trancada é a região em azul. Não passe a divisa. Espere até ver um policial, ou atire num pedestre para ficar com 1 estrela. Com isso, dirija além da divisa e ande pela cidade um pouco. Você não ficará com 4 estrelas. Depois disso, se mate e você estará no hospital. Depois que sair, você pode andar pela cidade sem estrelas.
CJ sem cabeça
Encontre uma Katane, e entre no modo multiplayer. Faça com que o 2º jogador arranque sua cabeça, então você volta para o modo normal sem cabeça.
Nitro infinito
Se você explodir um carro em sua garagem com o nitro ativado, ele volta com nitro permanente.
Pedestre invencível
Se pegar um carro com um passageiro e ir ao Pay'n'Spray e trancá-lo lá, quando a porta abrir o passageiro estará invencível. Não importa o que faça, você não pode matá-lo.
Mountain Bike derretendo
Pegue uma mountian bike, comece a dar ré segurando quadrado, e enquanto segura ele, comece a apertar X bem rápido.
Quadro de CJ irá se contorcer em formas malucas.
Ele parecerá que está derretendo no chão.
Mountain Bike Pára-quedas
Essa dica é similar a das motos em VC, mas essa tem uma área limitada. Nessa área, você não pode cair da bike, então você pode pular e fazer o que quiser com ela. Para fazer isso você precisa:
1: Vá ao topo do Monte Chiliad
2: Pegue um pára-quedas, que está perto do trailer
3: Pegue a BMX que está no morro para iniciar a corrida
4: Use a rampa a esquerda e pule. Agora pule da bike e abra o pára-quedas.
Se fizer corretamente, você deverá ser transportado para o inicio da corrida (pára-quedas ainda aberto) Agora você pode fazer pulos insanos sem cair da bike.
Sem tráfego
Inicie um novo jogo e chegue até as missões do OG Loc. Na missão da praia, fale com o DJ e responda sempre sim. Quando ele disser vamos dançar, agora apenas saia e não haverá carros nas ruas. Salve o jogo, e agora você pode fazer isso onde você for.
Algumas coisas engraçadas para se fazer com essa dicas eh o cheat "todos te odeiam" para parecer um filme de terror de zumbis, ou aumentar o nível de procurado para perseguições mais rápidas.
Reutilizar o nitro
Quando seu nitro acabar, saia do veículo e volte. Seu nitro estará reabastecido e você não precisará esperar 2 minutos.
Recarregar rapidamente
Quando precisar recarregar rapidamente, pressione L2 então R2 ou vice-versa antes que a munição de CJ acabe.
Pular músicas nas rádios
Você pode pular as músicas das rádios. Mude para outra rádio, então volte para rádio tocando a música que você odeia. Assim que o nome da rádio ficar amarelo, antes da rádio começar a tocas, mude a estação de novo. Mude para a outra estação, e a música que estava sendo tocada será pulada.
Pare com que as gangs rivais tomem seus territórios
Para isso, vá alguma casa e salve o jogo quando a mensagem "sua área está em ataque" aparecer. Isso parará o ataque, e o território continua seu.
Super pulo de bike
Isso necessita que você tenha uma arma que pode ser usado enquanto você anda de bike. Assim que soltar o botão de pulo (L1), aperte bola. Você deve apertar e soltar bem rápido para que a arma não atire. Você pode pular cerca de 2 lojas se tudo der certo.
Caminhos do submundo
Você precisará e um Jetpack para explorar o submundo.
Entrada#1: Vá para o mar ao Leste de LV perto de Sobell Rail Yard. Agora voando sobre a borda perto do nível do mar. Há uma parede de rocha que você pode passar em um certo ponto. A rocha se move. Quando você entrar, você deve voar um pouco ao norte antes de entrar totalmente no submundo.
Entrada#2: Está na "esquina" de uma parede de sua casa em Vinewood, a direita da piscina. Apenas voe em direção a parede com reflexos diferentes.
Modo Wide Screen
Para fazer isso vá há qualquer aeroporto, e compre uma passagem pra qualquer lugar. Quando o avião aparecer na pista coloque o cheat "destroir todos os veículos". Você morrerá, e será mandado ao hospital mais perto, mas a tela continuará em Wide Screen. Atenção: O único jeito de sair do modo Wide Screen é comprar outra passagem, e pular do avião, ou faça uma missão. Você também não será capaz de ver o mapa, saúde, ou colete, armas, dinheiro, nível de procurado, e não pode pausar, ou salvar o jogo.
Códigos manhunt 2 [ps2]
Selecionar qualquer fase do jogo :
o código da o efeito de liberar o "Relive an episode" neste episodio você podera jogar em todas as fases do jogo incluindo as que você ainda não conseguiu chegar.
um som marca a ativação da dica.
Munição infinita :
um som marca a ativação da dica.
Importante- todas as dicas deverão ser ativadas no menu principal do jogo !!!!!
o código da o efeito de liberar o "Relive an episode" neste episodio você podera jogar em todas as fases do jogo incluindo as que você ainda não conseguiu chegar.
um som marca a ativação da dica.
Munição infinita :
um som marca a ativação da dica.
Importante- todas as dicas deverão ser ativadas no menu principal do jogo !!!!!
Códigos-Gta San Andreas (ps2)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Produtora: Rockstar games - Mais informações
Distribuidora: Rockstar games - Mais informações
Data de Lançamento: 26 de Outubro de 2004
38 Dicas
Lista de códigos
Depois de ativar algum código não grave o jogo, pois ele pode ficar corrompido. Durante o jogo quando estiver fora do carro, pressione:
Dicas de Armas
Fica com várias armas 1 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita e Cima. As armas são: Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles
Fica com várias armas 2 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Baixo e Esquerda. As armas são: Knife, Pistol, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher.
Fica com várias armas 3 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Baixo e Baixo. As armas são: Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive.
Dicas para o Jogador
Fica com a energia completa, $250,000 e armor - R1, R2, L1, X, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita e Cima.
Comete suicídio - Direita, L2, Baixo, R1, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, L2 e L1.
Mude de personagem aleatóriamente - Direita, Baixo, Esquerda, Cima, L1, L2, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo e Direita.
Aumenta o Wanted Level - R1, R1, Círculo, R2, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda e Direita.
Diminua o Wanted Level - R1, R1, Círculo, R2, Cima, Baixo, Cima, Baixo, Cima e Baixo.
Acelera o relógio do jogo - Círculo, Círculo, L1, Quadrado, L1, Quadrado, Quadrado, Quadrado, L1, Triângulo, Círculo e Triângulo.
Desacelera o relógio do jogo - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, Quadrado, R2 e R1.
Deixa o jogo mais rápido - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, L2, L1 e Quadrado.
Deixa o jogo mais lento - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, Quadrado, R2 e R1.
Dicas de Trânsito e Carros
Deixa o carro mais estável nas curvas - Triângulo, R1, R1, Esquerda, R1, L1, R2 e L1. Depois você pode pressionar o L3 para o carro pular.
Tráfego mais agressivo - R2, Círculo, R1, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, R2 e L2.
Carros mais rápidos - Direita, R1, Cima, L2, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, R1 e R1.
Faz qualquer carro andar na água - Direita, R2, Círculo, R1, L2, Quadrado, R1 e R2.
Todos os carros ficam preto - Círculo, L2, Cima, R1, Esquerda, X, R1, L1, Esquerda e Círculo.
Todos os carros ficam rosa - Círculo, L1, Baixo, L2, Esquerda, X, R1, L1, Direita e Círculo.
Explode todos carros que estão na tela - R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Quadrado, Triângulo, Círculo, Triângulo, L2 e L1.
Faz qualquer barco voar - R2, Círculo, Cima, L1, Direita, R1, Direita, Cima, Quadrado e Triângulo.
Para dirigir um Caddie (carrinho de golfe) - Círculo, L1, Cima, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Círculo e X.
Para dirigir um Rhino (tanque) - Círculo, Círculo, L1, Círculo, Círculo, Círculo, L1, L2, R1, Triângulo, Círculo e Triângulo.
Para dirigir um Bloodring Banger - Baixo, R1, Círculo, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Esquerda e Esquerda.
Para dirigir um Rancher - Cima, Direita, Direita, L1, Direita, Cima, Quadrado e L2.
Para dirigir um Hotring Racer 1 - R1, Círculo, R2, Direita, L1, L2, X, X, Quadrado e R1.
Para dirigir um Hotring Racer 2 - R2, L1, círculo, Direita, L1, R1, Direita, Cima, Círculo e R2.
Para dirigir um Romero - Baixo, R2, Baixo, R1, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, Esquerda e Direita.
Para dirigir um Stretch (Limosine) - R2, Cima, L2, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, Círculo e Direita.
Para dirigir um Trashmaster - Círculo, R1, círculo, R1, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, Círculo e Direita.
Dicas de Tempo
Tempo ensolarado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Triângulo.
Tempo muito ensolarado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Baixo.
Tempo nublado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Triângulo.
Tempo muito nublado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Quadrado.
Tempestade - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Círculo.
Com neblina - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e X.
Dicas de Pedestres
Todos os pedestres carregam armas - R2, R1, X, Triângulo, X, Triângulo, Cima e Baixo.
Todos pedestres atacam você - Baixo, Cima, Cima, Cima, X, R2, R1, L2 e L2.
Os pedestres brigam entre si - Baixo, Esquerda, Cima, Esquerda, X, R2, R1, L2 e L1.
Produtora: Rockstar games - Mais informações
Distribuidora: Rockstar games - Mais informações
Data de Lançamento: 26 de Outubro de 2004
38 Dicas
Lista de códigos
Depois de ativar algum código não grave o jogo, pois ele pode ficar corrompido. Durante o jogo quando estiver fora do carro, pressione:
Dicas de Armas
Fica com várias armas 1 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita e Cima. As armas são: Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles
Fica com várias armas 2 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Baixo e Esquerda. As armas são: Knife, Pistol, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher.
Fica com várias armas 3 - R1, R2, L1, R2, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Baixo e Baixo. As armas são: Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive.
Dicas para o Jogador
Fica com a energia completa, $250,000 e armor - R1, R2, L1, X, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo, Direita e Cima.
Comete suicídio - Direita, L2, Baixo, R1, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, L2 e L1.
Mude de personagem aleatóriamente - Direita, Baixo, Esquerda, Cima, L1, L2, Cima, Esquerda, Baixo e Direita.
Aumenta o Wanted Level - R1, R1, Círculo, R2, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda e Direita.
Diminua o Wanted Level - R1, R1, Círculo, R2, Cima, Baixo, Cima, Baixo, Cima e Baixo.
Acelera o relógio do jogo - Círculo, Círculo, L1, Quadrado, L1, Quadrado, Quadrado, Quadrado, L1, Triângulo, Círculo e Triângulo.
Desacelera o relógio do jogo - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, Quadrado, R2 e R1.
Deixa o jogo mais rápido - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, L2, L1 e Quadrado.
Deixa o jogo mais lento - Triângulo, Cima, Direita, Baixo, Quadrado, R2 e R1.
Dicas de Trânsito e Carros
Deixa o carro mais estável nas curvas - Triângulo, R1, R1, Esquerda, R1, L1, R2 e L1. Depois você pode pressionar o L3 para o carro pular.
Tráfego mais agressivo - R2, Círculo, R1, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, R2 e L2.
Carros mais rápidos - Direita, R1, Cima, L2, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, R1 e R1.
Faz qualquer carro andar na água - Direita, R2, Círculo, R1, L2, Quadrado, R1 e R2.
Todos os carros ficam preto - Círculo, L2, Cima, R1, Esquerda, X, R1, L1, Esquerda e Círculo.
Todos os carros ficam rosa - Círculo, L1, Baixo, L2, Esquerda, X, R1, L1, Direita e Círculo.
Explode todos carros que estão na tela - R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Quadrado, Triângulo, Círculo, Triângulo, L2 e L1.
Faz qualquer barco voar - R2, Círculo, Cima, L1, Direita, R1, Direita, Cima, Quadrado e Triângulo.
Para dirigir um Caddie (carrinho de golfe) - Círculo, L1, Cima, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Círculo e X.
Para dirigir um Rhino (tanque) - Círculo, Círculo, L1, Círculo, Círculo, Círculo, L1, L2, R1, Triângulo, Círculo e Triângulo.
Para dirigir um Bloodring Banger - Baixo, R1, Círculo, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Esquerda e Esquerda.
Para dirigir um Rancher - Cima, Direita, Direita, L1, Direita, Cima, Quadrado e L2.
Para dirigir um Hotring Racer 1 - R1, Círculo, R2, Direita, L1, L2, X, X, Quadrado e R1.
Para dirigir um Hotring Racer 2 - R2, L1, círculo, Direita, L1, R1, Direita, Cima, Círculo e R2.
Para dirigir um Romero - Baixo, R2, Baixo, R1, L2, Esquerda, R1, L1, Esquerda e Direita.
Para dirigir um Stretch (Limosine) - R2, Cima, L2, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, Círculo e Direita.
Para dirigir um Trashmaster - Círculo, R1, círculo, R1, Esquerda, Esquerda, R1, L1, Círculo e Direita.
Dicas de Tempo
Tempo ensolarado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Triângulo.
Tempo muito ensolarado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Baixo.
Tempo nublado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Triângulo.
Tempo muito nublado - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Quadrado.
Tempestade - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e Círculo.
Com neblina - R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2 e X.
Dicas de Pedestres
Todos os pedestres carregam armas - R2, R1, X, Triângulo, X, Triângulo, Cima e Baixo.
Todos pedestres atacam você - Baixo, Cima, Cima, Cima, X, R2, R1, L2 e L2.
Os pedestres brigam entre si - Baixo, Esquerda, Cima, Esquerda, X, R2, R1, L2 e L1.
Radio que o alborguetti esta !!!
Radio + , aqui o link do site click em click aqui e ouça já , alborguetti das 5 as 7 da noite !!!
Códigos para GTA Liberty City Stories
Coloquem durante o jogo!
Cheat Effect
UP, X, X, DOWN, LEFT, X, X, RIGHT Weapon set 3
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Money Cheat ($250,000)
L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 Full Armor (Blue Bar)
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1 Full Health (Red Bar)
L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Raise Wanted Level
L1, L1, TRIANGLE, R1, R1, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE Never Wanted
CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1 Cars Drive On Water
L1, UP, RIGHT, R1, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, X Raise Media Attention
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE Random Ped Outfit
L1, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X Sunny Weather
UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, R1 Clear Weather
UP, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Overcast Weather
UP, DOWN, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Rainy Weather
UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, X, L1, R1 Foggy Weather
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE, X Faster Clock
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, X, SQUARE Destroy All Cars
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE Peds Riot
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE Peds Attack You
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE Peds Have Weapons
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, DOWN, X Faster Gameplay
L1, UP, LEFT, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, X Perfect Traction
L1, DOWN, LEFT, R1, X, CIRCLE, UP, TRIANGLE Commit Suicide
SQUARE, SQUARE, R1, X, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE Aggressive Drivers
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 Bobble Head World
L1, R1, L1, R1, UP, DOWN, L1, R1 Display Game Credits
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 Upside Down Gameplay
CIRCLE, RIGHT, X, UP, RIGHT, X, L1, SQUARE Change Bike Tire Size
TRIANGLE, R1, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R1, R1, TRIANGLE All Vehicles Chrome Plated
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Right, L, R Upside Up
UP, UP, UP, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Unlock multiplayer skins
UP, UP, UP, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 4 Gangs+28 Characters (Multiplayer)
UP, UP, UP, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 7 Gangs+43 Characters (Multiplayrer)
UP, UP, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1, L1 2 Gangs+14 Characters (Multiplayer)
X, X, X, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, L1, R1 Upside Down Gameplay2
Cheat Effect
UP, X, X, DOWN, LEFT, X, X, RIGHT Weapon set 3
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Money Cheat ($250,000)
L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 Full Armor (Blue Bar)
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1 Full Health (Red Bar)
L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Raise Wanted Level
L1, L1, TRIANGLE, R1, R1, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE Never Wanted
CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1 Cars Drive On Water
L1, UP, RIGHT, R1, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, X Raise Media Attention
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE Random Ped Outfit
L1, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X Sunny Weather
UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, R1 Clear Weather
UP, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Overcast Weather
UP, DOWN, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Rainy Weather
UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, X, L1, R1 Foggy Weather
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE, X Faster Clock
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, X, SQUARE Destroy All Cars
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE Peds Riot
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE Peds Attack You
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE Peds Have Weapons
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, DOWN, X Faster Gameplay
L1, UP, LEFT, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, X Perfect Traction
L1, DOWN, LEFT, R1, X, CIRCLE, UP, TRIANGLE Commit Suicide
SQUARE, SQUARE, R1, X, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE Aggressive Drivers
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 Bobble Head World
L1, R1, L1, R1, UP, DOWN, L1, R1 Display Game Credits
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 Upside Down Gameplay
CIRCLE, RIGHT, X, UP, RIGHT, X, L1, SQUARE Change Bike Tire Size
TRIANGLE, R1, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R1, R1, TRIANGLE All Vehicles Chrome Plated
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Right, L, R Upside Up
UP, UP, UP, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Unlock multiplayer skins
UP, UP, UP, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 4 Gangs+28 Characters (Multiplayer)
UP, UP, UP, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 7 Gangs+43 Characters (Multiplayrer)
UP, UP, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1, L1 2 Gangs+14 Characters (Multiplayer)
X, X, X, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, L1, R1 Upside Down Gameplay2
Guia completo para o jogo ''Gantz-The Game''
Guia Para Gantz: The Game
The only way to survive is fighting
This FAQ is by Croik. Some parts I translated directly from the
game Instruction Manual, some I wrote myself. In the character section
I added some information gained from Hitoshi Doi's voice actor
database ( as well as some
information I translated from the Gantz Manual.
Big thanks to a certain Japanese hint site
( that helped fill in some of the
stuff I was missing. I will be sure to check all these things for
And Special thanks to LoserBait, who's also contributed greatly to
this FAQ. <333
Please contact me with any additions or corrections you might find
Since this game is based heavily on the Gantz Manga/Anime, there are a
few spoilers present in this guide (up to Stage 5). Game spoilers I
tried to limit to the Endings and Translation sections.
This FAQ was last updated 9/12/05.
This is my first time doing an FAQ. I hope it's useful :P
Version 1.0
I. Start Menu
A. Start Game
B. Load Game
C. Options
D. Extra Option
1. Free Play
2. Neko Mimi Mode
3. Magazine Pin-ups
4. Gantz Names
5. Special Movie
6. Scenario Completion
II. Gameplay
A. Controls
1. Story Stage
2. Battle Stage
B. Equipment
1. Weapons
a. X Gun
b. Y Gun
c. X Rifle
d. Gantz Sword
2. Items
a. Controller
b. Land Mine Capture
c. Back Up Bombardment
d. Suit Enhancer
3. Gantz Suit
4. Gantz Motorcycle
C. Points
1. Hero vs Leader Points
2. Trust points
3. Gantz Points
III. Scenarios
A. Story Stage
B. Battle Stage
1. Screen Display
2. Hero Actions
3. Partners
a. Commands
C. Scoring Stage
1. Status Report
2. Gantz Score
IV. Characters
A. Kurono Kei
B. Katou Masaru
C. Kishimoto Kei
D. Rice
E. Nishi Jouichirou
F. Hojo Masanobu
G. Nakayama Sadako
H. Sakuraoka Sei
I. Togo
V. Enemies
A. Onion Alien Mission
1. Onion Alien Child
2. Onion Alien Dad
B. Suzuki Alien Mission
1. Suzuki Aliens
2. Suzuki Alien Boss
C. Buddha Statue Mission
1. Cranky and Grouchy Aliens
2. Buddha Statues
3. 1000 Arms Kanon
D. Chibi Alien Mission
1. Chibi Aliens
2. Chibi Alien Boss
E. School Mission
1. Chibi Alien
2. Vampires
[Everything section VI and on contains SPOILERS]
VI. Quick Choices Guide
VII. 100 Points
A. How to get
B. What you get
VIII. Endings
Ending 1
Ending 2
Ending 3
Ending 4
Ending 5
Ending 6
Ending 7
Ending 8
Ending 9
Ending 10
Ending 11
Ending 12
Ending 13
Ending 14
Ending 15
Ending 16
The point of the Gantz game is to earn points by defeating aliens,
boost your own Hero and Leader points, manage your team, unlock
endings, and gather porn. The game is divided into five scenarios,
which in turn are divided into Story, Battle, and Scoring Stages. I
tried to write this guide in a way so that non-Japanese speakers would
be able to enjoy what the game has to offer. I don't know at this
point if I'll get around to a full game translation, but this is what
I have so far.
I. Start Menu
Pressing start at the title screen brings you to the menu. Remember
that in Japanese games the O button is default for selecting.
A. Start Game
This begins a new story mode, starting from the first scenario. You
can choose between Easy, Normal, and Hard for difficulty. This
changes how hard the aliens are, as well as the strength of your own
B. Load Game
Loads a previous save state. If you load previous clear data, you
begin at the first scenario with all your stats from the previous
C. Options
Here you can set your options during play
Controller Vibration: Can be set to "on" or "off"
Blood: Can be set to "on" or "off"
Screen Adjustment: Here you can adjust your screen brightness and
Sound: Adjust volume for BGM, sound effects, and the voice acting.
Controller Settings (click to enter new menu):
Control Type
Normal: Normal button arrangement
Gantz: Prioritizes use of the X Gun
Original: Arrange the buttons freely
*[The Gantz control scheme changes the weapon button to R1, as well
as changes a few other buttons. I have not played with it, so I'm
not sure what the advantage/disadvantages might be]
Lock On
Switch: Press the button once to lock on, press again to take off
Hold: Hold down the button to lock on, releasing button releases
lock on.
Orders to Partners
Switch: Press the button to switch orders on or off
Hold: Hold down the button to continue orders
Up and Down Controls:
Normal: Pushing the right analog stick down sweeps the camera up.
Reverse: Pushing the right analog stick up moves the camera down.
Right And Left Controls:
Normal: Pushing the right analog stick to the right moves the
camera right.
Reverse: Pushing the right analog stick to the right moves the
camera left.
Return to Options
Mission Start Over: Allows for you to start a mission from the
Return to title: Returns to the title screen
*The last two options available only during actual gameplay
D. Extra Option
There are several Extra Options available. You unlock more by
completing sections of the game, so check back regularly.
1. Free Play
Free play allows you to play through all five scenarios as one of
your partner characters.
2. Neko Mimi Mode
Unlock by completing Free Play with one of the partner characters.
3. Magazine Pin-ups
Here you can wade through your various magazine pinups. It takes
three issues to form a full picture. There are four ways to find
1. Story Stage
By choosing options that allow you to explore each area more,
you can come across randomly dropped magazines. However, picking
them up can sometimes affect your partners' Trust in you (i.e. if
Kishimoto's around, her Trust points may decrease)
2. Battle Stage
Sometimes by running around in a Battle Stage you can run across
magazines. They don't appear on your screen, so it's mostly luck.
Check corners, doorways, and up stairs especially.
3. Between Missions
You get certain magazines by completing certain tasks within a
mission, defeating certain bosses certain ways, or by reaching certain
levels in Hero and Leader points.
4. Unlocking
By unlocking endings (and possibly Gantz names) you can also
recover magazines
4. Gantz Names
By completing certain tasks/commanding your partners to do
certain things, you earn them and yourself Gantz names. Here is a list
of what they are and how to get (not yet confirmed):
Samurai Snob: Use only the Gantz Sword
Pea Shooter: Shoot a lot without hitting anything
Dog Lover: Use the dog in all three battle stages
Neat Freak: Continually attack from far away, without killing
Sniper: Shoot from far away a lot
Hero: Get lots of Hero points
Kurono's #1 (#2,#3) Fan: Raise Trust points significantly
Sender: Defeat all aliens with the Y Gun.
Despised: Fail to help your partners
Loser: Wasn't picked for a mission, didn't gain Trust.
Womanizer: Bring only women to all three battle stages
Bitch: Get ordered around a lot (applies to partners)
Leader: Get lots of Leader points
Not all the characters are able to get all the nicknames. A more
specialized list to follow.
5. Special Movie
A special bonus movie--anime promo.
6. Scenario Completion
Shows how many of the possible scenarios you've completed, with
a percentage. I'm not sure what reaching 100% gets you.
II. Gameplay
A. Controls
Controls can be modified in the Options menu, from the title screen or
during battle stages.
1. Story Stage
Controls during the Story Stages are pretty standard. Press the O
button to pass through the dialogue and select choices when prompted.
Use the left stick or directional pad to choose between choices.
2. Battle Stage
Start Button: Brings up the pause menu
Select Button: Not used
Left Analog Stick: Moves your character. Moves about the menu.
Right Analog Stick: Moves the Camera (During Lock On mode, changes
between targets)
Directional Pad: For use in menus. During battle stage, is used to
choose weapons/items:
Up: Change to weapon 1
Left: Change to weapon 2
Right: Use Item 1
Down: Use Item 2
Selecting an item activates it immediately.
Triangle: Evade (somersault)
Circle: Hand to Hand Combat, default "yes" button
X: Jump, default "cancel" button
Square: Attack with weapon
R1: Lock on
R2: Brings up action commands for partner 2, tap to tell partner 2 to
R3: Change the Camera's POV
L1: Power up your suit, use Hero Action
L2: Brings up action commands for partner 1, tap to tell
partner 1 to dodge.
L3: Display radar and remaining time in mission.
R2+L2: Give both partners the same command.
B. Equipment
Before each Battle Stage (with some exceptions) you're allowed to
choose two weapons and two items. The weapons have a separate power
gauge, which forces them to be less effective if you fire too rapidly.
The items can only be used a certain number of times per stage.
1. Weapons
a. X Gun
X Gun (upper left weapon): A mid-range gun. Just like in the manga/
anime, damage is inflicted some time after hitting the target. It's
also possible to fire a charged shot by holding down the square
button for a short time, which inflicts greater damage than a normal
b. Y Gun
Y Gun (below the X gun): A mid-range gun. By hitting the target, it
is restrained for a short time. Rapid fire is impossible but you can
fire a charge short, which functions as a homing shot. Also, if you
use the Y Gun again on a target which has been captured, you can "send
it up." How long the enemy stays captured by the Y Gun depends on how
much health it has left--less health, longer time.
--By sending the target "up" you receive a point bonus from Gantz.
Your partners, however, can't perform this action. If you use the
the Y Gun on an enemy your partner has already captured it will
NOT be sent.
c. X Rifle
X Rifle (center of weapons): Long range gun. Like the X Gun, there's
a time delay on the damage, and charged shots inflict a greater amount
of damage. Especially useful for large enemies.
d. Gantz Sword
Gantz Sword (far right of weapons): Close range weapon. Inflicts
greater damage and has a greater range than normal close range
attacks, but like the guns, if your weapon energy decreases its power
decreases dramatically.
2. Items
a. Controller
Use this to make yourself invisible. While invisible, you won't be
targetted by the enemy. After some time, you reappear. You can only
use it three times. It is possible to charge your weapons while
*Like the manga, some enemies are not fooled by your changing
b. Land Mine Capture
Use by setting on the ground. If a target walks over it, it will be
restrained for up to ten seconds. You can use it 3 times.
c. Back Up Bombardment (the blue triangles)
Use this by setting it on the ground. After being set, some time
passes before commencing attack. A huge lazer falls down at the
center of the luminated area, damaging you, your allies, and/or your
enemies indiscriminately. You can only use it once per stage.
d. Suit Enhancer (the suit icon)
When attacked by the enemy while using this item, the damage is taken
from your suit's power gauge instead of its endurance. You won't be
thrown back by the enemy if it hits you, but your power gauge goes
down twice as fast. You can use it 3 times and each lasts about 30
--If you use it once, you can't use it again until it wears off
--If your power gauge is already at zero, the damage you receive then
goes to your strength.
3. Gantz Suit
The Gantz Suit is standard for almost every character. During the
Battle Stage, The yellow is your suit's endurance. The Green is the
power gauge. Once your suit is broken, you can still run around and
fight for some time without dying, but your strength is greatly
decreased and you slow way down. For some reason you can power up
even if the suit's been broken so use that when you need to escape
Pressing the L1 button during the Battle Stage allows you to Power Up,
increasing your attack power, mobility, and also allowing you to
initiate Hero Actions and special evades. How often you can use this
is determined by the green Power Gauge on your Suit Icon.
C. Points
1. Hero vs Leader Points
Your progress through the game is measured constantly through Hero and
Leader Points. At the end of every scenario, during the Scoring
Stage, your points are totalled. By getting more Hero than Leader
points, your suit endurance goes up 30%. By getting more Leader than
Hero points, the endurance of your partners' suits goes up 20%. You
get points through two different methods:
a. Decisions made during Story Stages. By choosing to fight
missions alone, attacking directly or impulsively, or basically by
acting out, you gain Hero points. By waiting for your fellows,
helping them escape dangerous situations, and being an over all nice
guy you earn Leader Points.
b. Actions during Battle Stages. By using Hero Actions and
destroying the most aliens, you earn Hero points. By helping your
fellows, giving detailed orders, and allowing your partners to take
points for kills, you gain Leader Points.
It's important to keep a balanced team by gaining Hero and Leader
points. You cannot lose points.
2. Trust points
Each character (other than Kurono) has a number of Trust points which
represent their faith in Kurono as their leader. By making
decisions during Story Stages, or by selecting a character for a
mission, their Trust will go up. You can also lose Trust points by
upsetting your team members. A character's trust in Kurono will
affect what Orders you're allowed to give them, what Gantz name they
receive, and what ending you get.
I.E, leave Kishimoto alone in the shower, and her Trust will go up.
Bust in on her, and it will go down.
3. Gantz Points
You earn Gantz points by killing aliens. You can get extra points
by overkilling, or using the send gun, as well. Unlike the
manga, most Aliens are usually only worth 1 point each. The
number of points affects which Gantz name you get. By reaching
100 points, you're able to choose between three options, each
of which results in a game ending.
III. Scenarios
Each of the 5 scenarios goes roughly like this:
Story Stage
Enter Gantz
Choose weapons
Depart for Mission
More Story
Select Partners
Battle Stage
Story and Battle as many times as necessary
Scoring Stage
Leave Room
There are usually 3 Battle Stages per Scenario. Each Scenario is more
or less closely related to each mission in the manga.
A. Story Stage
Story Stages are acted out through conversations between characters.
During these stages is when Kurono vies for Trust points with his
partners, as well as earns Hero and Leader points that will give you
bonuses during the Battle Stages. Choices during the Story Stages
greatly influence your game ending.
B. Battle Stage
Put plainly, the parts where you kill aliens. You can use these
stages to earn more Hero and Leader points, as well as hunt for
magazine pin-ups. Sometimes even letting one of your partners die
determines your ending.
1. Screen Display
Upper Left: Status of Partner 1. The Green suit icon shows how much
health they have left, their name, and whatever current orders
they're following.
*"Follow Me" is the default order
Upper Right: Status of Partner 2. The Green suit icon shows how much
health they have left, their name, and whatever current orders they're
*"Follow Me" is the default order
The enemies display their remaining health over their head. If you
attack with the X Gun or X Rifle, sometimes an "Overkill" notice will
flash. That means the damage you've already inflicted will kill it,
as soon as the time lag has passed, so you don't have to keep shooting
it. You do, however, get points for overkills, so fire away!
Colored arrows along the sides of the screens show you where other
partners and enemies are:
Blue: Your partners
Yellow: Enemies
Red: An enmey that is currently targeting you
The bottom left icon displays your current weapon and weapon power.
Once you're out of weapon power your attacks become far less powerful.
Let it recharge between attacks. By using the left directional pad,
you can choose between weapons and items.
Bottom right suit icon: The yellow is your suit's endurance. The
Green is the power gauge. Once your suit is broken, you can still run
around and fight for some time without dying, but your strength is
greatly decreased and you slow way down. For some reason you can
power up even if the suit's been broken so use that when you need to
escape suddenly.
The bottom right shows your radar, and how much time is left in the
2. Hero Actions
There are three different types of Hero Actions:
a. Against Enemies: If you have enough energy, you can face a
locked on enemy and press the triangle button to perform an action
(such as a special evasion)
b. Movement points: During a stage, sometimes to progress you
have to power up and use the triangle shaped Hero Mark (aka jumping
down stairs in mission 1). Just move to the marker and press L1.
c. Hero Action Markers: Somestimes in a stage itself you find
Hero action markers that you can use by pressing L1. Such as throwing
cars. Action Markers appear on your Radar as a yellow point.
3. Partners
During each mission you (usually) have two partners that fight
alongside you. Each Character has a single default weapon that you
can't change, as well as a variety of commands. Each character also
has a specific special move and health and strength parameters.
a. Commands
By holding down the L2 and/or R2 button, you can give your partners
orders. Hold down the R2/L2 button and press one of the following to
give orders:
Triangle: Protect that spot
Circle: Use hand to hand combat
Square: Use your weapon
X: Follow Me
Up: Run Away
Down: Use your Special Move
Right and Left: Sometimes available (depending on leader points?) to
sic your partner on a particular target.
If you go too long without giving your patner an order, they'll start
to complain. In order to maximize your Leader Points, make sure you
always have them doing something, even if it's standing back to let
you take all the points.
Tapping R2 or L2 will make Kurono call a warning to his partners. If
it looks like they're about to get clobbored, try to warn them!
C. Scoring Stage
Once you've completed all the necessary Story and Battle Stages,
scoring beings.
1. Status Report
The status screen shows up between Battle Stages, to let you know how
you did, how many points you received, etc. They're listed in the
following order:
Damage you Inflicted
Damage you received
Hero Actions
Hero Points Recieved
Current Hero Points
Current Hero Level
Points needed for next Level
Damage your partners inflicted
Damage your partners received
?????? (can't read tiny kanji!)
Partner Overkill
Current Leader Points
Current Leader Level
Points needed for next Level
2. Gantz Score
Your Gantz score is earned by how many aliens you kill. Your Gantz
Name is earned by points, actions, and choices. I.E, if you've raised
a certain character's Trust pretty high, they might receive the name
"Kurono's #1 Fan."
Gantz sometimes also gives comments in the bottom left corner, such as
"too much tail wagging," for Rice. I'm not sure how many of those
there are, though I've gotten, "too much standing around," "too much
showing off," "too much relying on Nishi," etc.
IV. Characters
You gain playable characters as the game progresses through Scenarios.
Each has a different amount of health, strength, and their own special
attack. Once a character dies during a mission, they're gone for
good, so be careful picking.
The easiest way to gain Trust with any character is to bring them
on a lot of missions. Sometimes it's very obvious how to earn
them points, sometimes not, so a lot of experimentation is
A. Kurono Kei
Name: Kurono Kei
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: "Getting involved with Katou" - AKA, hit by subway
VA: Namikawa Daisuke
Default Weapon: NA
Special Attack: NA
How to gain Trust: NA
Kurono is the character you play as during normal game play.
B. Katou Masaru
Name: Katou Masaru
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: "Attacked by a train."
VA: Dairi Masashi
Default Weapon: Y Gun
Special Attack: Katou grabs the enemy in a bear hug (like he does the
Tanaka alien in the manga). Not effective on larger enemies. The
smaller aliens (like Chibis) can be killed by this.
How to gain Trust: Act like a leader. If you're gaining Leader
Points, chances are you're making Katou happy.
C. Kishimoto Kei
Name: Kishimoto Kei
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: Suicide - slit wrists in the bathtub
VA: Nabatame Hitomi
Health: 900
Default Weapon: X Gun
Special Attack: Fires several charged X Gun shots. Very strong
but not always accurate. Best on groups.
How to gain Trust: Don't pop in during her embarassing situations.
Basically, be a gentleman.
D. Rice
Name: Rice (Manga: Butter Dog)
Occupation: Pet
How Died: NA (According to the Gantz Manual: hit by car)
VA: ??
Health: 600
Default Weapon: NA
Special Attack: Rice howls, which powers up his suit
for a short time.
How to gain Trust: Bring to missions. Act cool by
fighting aliens alone.
E. Nishi Jouichirou
Name: Nishi Jouichirou
Occupation: Middle School Student
How Died: Fell from a rooftop
VA: Yabe Masashi
Health: 900
Default Weapon: X Rifle
Special Attack: Changes frequency to charge X Rifle, then pops out of
hiding to deliver a charged attack.
How to gain Trust: Attack things head on. Don't act like a leader.
DON'T believe his stories.
F. Hojo Masanobu
Name: Hojo Masanobu
Occupation: Former Model
How Died: Motorcycle accident
VA: Kamiya Kouji
Default Weapon: Gantz Sword
Special Attack: A counter attack: for ~30 seconds Hojo goes on
standby, and in that time if he's attacked, he'll counter and
not take damage.
How to gain Trust: Be direct, but not reckless. Show off in the
Suzuki and Buddha missions.
G. Nakayama Sadako
Name: Nakayama Sadako (Manga: Suzumura Sadayo)
Occupation: ??
How Died: Motorcycle accident
VA: Kakazu Yumi
Default Weapon: Y Gun
Special Attack: Changes frequencies, then appears and uses the Y Gun
How to gain Trust: Stare at and be nice to her.
H. Sakuraoka Sei
Name: Sakuraoka Sei
Occupation: ??
How Died: (Manual: motorcycle accident)
VA: Sonosaki Mie
Health: 1050
Default Weapon: X Gun
Special Attack: A martial arts combo
How to gain Trust: Agree to go out with her. Deny liking Kishimoto.
Pretty simple, really.
I. Togo
Name: Togo
Occupation: ??
How Died: (Manual: Hit by drunk driver)
VA: ??
Health: 700
Default Weapon: X Rifle
Special Attack: Fires a charged rifle shot from far away.
How to gain Trust: Be direct and aggressive. Don't wander around or
be a leader.
V. Enemies
Each of the aliens is taken directly from a Stage of the manga.
There are also special Hero Actions that apply to each in any
given stage, so keep an eye out.
A. Onion Alien Mission
1. Onion Alien Child
The Onion Alien Child is the first enemy you encounter in the game.
They're not very strong, and can usually be taken out with a few shots
from the X Gun, or even bare fists. They attack by swinging their
onions or spitting acid. Be careful not to step in the acid, you will
take damage.
Available Hero Actions: Throw cars/vans at them.
2. Onion Alien Dad
The Onion Alien Dad attacks mostly by slashing, though sometimes he'll
pick up you or your partner and fling them around. He'll also uproot
trees to swing at you. Be careful when he jumps to the upper level,
as he'll start throwing cars down at you. They're not that hard to
dodge by rolling, but make sure you call a warning to your partners
as well, or they'll usually get nailed.
HA: Throw cars at him.
B. Suzuki Alien Mission
1. Suzuki Aliens
When out in the open, the Suzuki Aliens like to fly around a lot, so
lock on and use the X Gun when they pause. They're not affected by
changing frequencies. If you damage one enough with hand to hand, a
gross looking bird thingie pops out of the suit. Like in the manga you
can use Katou's grab special to force the birds out, making them easier
to kill. They attack mostly with their Sonic Blast, which you can
usually avoid pretty easily by running, jumping, or rolling.
HA: When one dives into the river, punch into the water to drive
it out.
When in the apartment building, punch the four pillars in for
a special sequence. (There are two on the first floor and two
on the second).
2. Suzuki Alien Boss
If you failed to kill all the regular Suzuki aliens in the building,
the remainder appear outside while you fight the Boss. It flies
around mostly, so shoot from a distance. Its arial attack includes
dropping down on you really fast, so when it starts to glow red back
off some and warn your partners. One on the ground, the boss
attacks with sonic blasts and swipes from its wings.
Sometimes the boss will swoop down and grab you or your partners.
Shoot at the boss's feet with the rifle to get them down.
C. Buddha Statue Mission
1. Cranky and Grouchy Aliens
These two Buddhas are pretty sluggish, but they do pack a heavy punch
if you get hit, so stay out of range and attack the feet. Once
they've fallen, attack the head for the kill. They'll continue
to crawl after you, though, so stay away from their swinging hands.
When one dies the second will power up, and regrow its legs
if they've already been blown off.
HA: Throw cars at them.
2. Big Buddha
The Big Buddha attacks mostly by stomping and slapping. Shoot
the feet to get it to kneel, then attack the head. The X Rifle
works pretty well. If it catches you it'll try to eat you, so
mash buttons to get away.
HA: Press L1 just before it hits you with its fist to defend.
In the far corners of the area are two hero markers that
allow you to perform a jumping attack.
3. Buddha Statues
The smaller Buddhas are a pain. There are different kinds, and they
attack with strong kicks and sometimes magic. Sakuraoka's martial arts
combo works pretty well on them.
HA: The two huge pillars in the temple can be knocked over.
Try to time it so that they fall on as many statues as
4. 1000 Arms Kanon
Fortunately, 1000 Arms Kanon is not as bad in the game as it was in the
manga (Q_Q). Stay at a distance and shoot with the guns. The path of
the lazer is marked with a beam of light before it fires, so it's not
that hard to avoid. Just make sure you remind your partners to dodge
as well. Be careful of the acid as well, as it'll immobilize you for
a short time.
HA: If you didn't knock the pillars down for the smaller statues,
you can use them on Kanon.
D. Chibi Alien Mission
1. Chibi Aliens
The Chibi Aliens attack en masse, and can get annoying really fast with
their flying kicks. You can shoot at them with the X Rifle while they
wait on the rooftops, but once you see a red arrow on the side of your
screen be sure to roll out of the way, 'cause they come down on you
pretty fast. Once they're on the ground alternate between shots with
the X Gun and a powered up hand to hand combo. The Gantz Sword also
works pretty well.
HA: In the second half of the roof fight, a Hero Marker will
sometimes appear at the center of the roof. Use it to counter
their combos.
2. Chibi Alien Boss
The Chibi Alien Boss has a pinkish energy shield that protects it from
damage most of the time. It's faster and stronger than the other Chibis
so be careful not to get caught in its close quarter's combo. Keep away
from it, shooting with the X Gun to lower the shield, then power up your
suit and beat the crap out of it.
E. School Mission
1. Chibi Alien
You fight the Chibi alien in this mission pretty much the same way you
did in the last, except this time save your suit energy. When it
starts to use its telekenesis, move to the center of the room and
activate the Hero Marker. It'll allow you to block everything the
chibi can throw at you.
HA: Counter telekenesis.
The second fight is on the roof. Use the same strategies. You can
throw the ventilation equipment around, but it's not usually very
You fight the Chibi Alien again outside the school, but he's half dead
by then. Just blast away.
2. Vampires
The Vampires show up pretty much out of nowhere, and attack you two at
a time. They use their specials often, which is a pain, but if you're
powered up you can sometimes perform a special evade by pressing the
Triangle button as they attack.
a. Swords (the shaved head one)
Swords takes off more damage than his partner, so take him out
first. Sometimes he defends with his swords so alternate your attacks
between fists and guns. His special move involves him running up the
wall and plunging down at you, but it's easy to roll out of the way of.
HA: If you're powered up when he comes at you with the swords, you'll
evade automatically.
b. Knife (looks like Vincent from the Cowboy Bebop movie :P)
The knife wielding vampire isn't as nasty as his partner, but
he dodges a lot. But with Swords gone it shouldn't be any problem to
gang up on him and take him out. He attacks mostly with the knife,
which is somehow electrified and halts your movements for a while.
His special attack is that he drinks your blood O_o
c. Grenade Launcher (the old guy who doesn't talk)
The old guy is the most annoying. He uses his special
constantly, and it's not easy to dodge the grenades. Try to take him
out first with your guns or sword. His special move includes sending
a bunch of grenades flying, so keep moving. Sometimes he'll run the
length of the screen, dropping bombs--if your Power Gauge is high
enough a Hero Marker will appear, allowing you to kick them back at
him for decent damage. Also, if you face him directly when he shoots
a grenade at you, if you're fast with the L1 button you can catch it
out of the air and toss it back.
The old man can also do a combo attack with Blondie, so try to take
at least one of them out quickly.
d. Handguns (Blondie)
Blondie's handguns aren't all that damaging, but he has several
special attacks that are hard to avoid and do a lot of damage. Two of
them are high kicks that can send you or your partners flying. But the
most dangerous is when he jumps behind you--if he gets on your
shoulders, he can break your suit in one go. Gang up on him and
alternate between fists and guns.
VI. Choices Guide
The Gantz game is one huge "Choose Your Own Adventure" type story.
Some choices affect only Trust, some affect the story line itself.
There are also things you can do within the battle stages that
affect the story, such as defeating bosses a certain way. Because of
this, there's no practical way of telling which choices to make without
also giving clues as to what's going on at the moment, so you can
decide what to do depending on what options you get. Which is
This guide will show you the consequences for the choices you
make during the game, as far as gaining/losing Trust, earning
Hero/Leader points, or unlocking special scenes. Though I've
played through the full five scenarios many times by now it's
possible I'm still missing things, so contact me if you know
something I don't! This guide also contains clues as to how to get
certain endings.
+ Trust up
- Trust down
L Leader Points
H Hero Points
YJ Pinup
Inside the Gantz Room
When Kurono first enters the room he reflects on what's happened
to him. You have four choices:
1. Space out
2. Talk to Kato (Kato+)
3. Talk to the middle schooler (Nishi+)
4. Talk to the dog (Rice+)
Talk to Kato and he'll talk about how cool Kurono used to be, and
that he wanted to be just like him.
1. "Yeah, whatever" (H10)
2. "Really...?" (L20)
Kishimoto shows up suddenly and lands in Kurono's lap.
1. Embrace her (Katou/Kishimoto-)
2. Give her your clothes (Kishimoto+)
When Gantz opens up, Kurono finds the suit
1. Put on your own without saying anything (H20)
2. Tell everyone to put them on (L20)
Kishimoto screams from the next room
1. Go take a look (Kishimoto-)
2. Call ahead first (Kishimoto+)
Nishi goes on for a while about how everyone is involved in a
TV show, like he does in the manga.
1. Believe him (Nishi-)
2. Don't believe him (Nishi+)
It's time to look for the aliens. Kato is missing for some reason.
1. Decide to look alone (H40)
2. Look with Kishimoto (Kishimoto+)
3. Look with Nishi (Nishi+)
4. Look with the dog (Dog+)
Kurono has to decide where to go first
1. Around the area (you'll find onions)
2. Some condos (YJ)
3. An apartment complex
When Kurono reaches the apartment complex, there are 3 doors
1. Choose the left door
2. Choose the middle door (the Onion alien)
3. Choose the right door
(If you choose both the left and right door before the middle,
whoever is with Kurono will lose Trust)
Kurono finds the Onion Alien! He really reeks.
1. Attack immediately! (H20)
2. Call for everyone else (L10)
If you attack the Alien immediately, it'll ask for onions.
1. Give it onions (only works if you found some earlier)
2. Don't give it onions
If someone is with Kurono at the time, the Onion attacks.
1. Just dodge (H10)
2. Protect Partner (L10, whoever+)*
*May be necessary to get Nishi's ending
More Onion Aliens appear
1. "Let me handle this." (H10, Rice+)
2. Tell everyone to be careful (L20, Kishimoto+)
(Battle Stages)
The Onion Aliens have been beaten, but there's still a reaction
on the radar. Kurono decides where to search.
1. Search the roof
2. Go down to the first floor again
If you decided to go straight down, Kurono gets another choice
1. "I'll go on ahead." (H30, Kishimoto+)
2. "Let's go down together." (L30, Kishimoto+, Nishi-)
If you searched the roof, you find nothing. Decide again.
1. Search the roof some more (YJ)
2. Go down to the first floor again
On the first floor Kurono encounters Kato, who is trying to tell
the Onion Dad that he didn't kill the others.
1. Shout at Kato for him to shoot (Kato loses life)
2. Interfere directly (Kurono loses life)
Kurono finds himself face to face with the Onion Dad.
1. Fight! (H30)
2. Run away!
(Whichever you pick, you'll get the following choice:)
1. Turn and run (Everyone-)
2. Taunt the Onion Dad to lure it away from everyone (H80, Kato/
After running for a while, Kurono realizes he's out of shape
and the Onion Dad is catching up
1. Try to run faster (H30, H100)
2. Call for help
Finally, Kurono and the Onion Dad are forced to face off.
Defeat him by beating him up or sending him, and after a
chat where Nishi complains about there not being enough points,
you go back to the room. If you blow him up, Nishi gives Kurono
the "You like looking at dead bodies" speech he gives in the
manga. Kurono responds.
1. "I'm not like you." (Nishi-)
2. "...You might be right." (Nishi+)*
*Necessary for Nishi's ending
You then return to the room, are scored, and after arguing with
Nishi (nearly word for word from the anime) everyone goes home.
Kurono's Apartment
While Kurono reflects on what happens, he suddenly gets a knock
on the door. It's Kishimoto, asking to be his pet.
1. "No, you can't." (Kishimoto-)
2. "It's totally fine!" (Kishimoto+)*
*Necessary for Kishimoto's ending
If you let Kishimoto stay, she'll take a shower. Kurono then
1. "Girls like using cream rinse. Should I bring her some?"
2. "Calm down, calm down" (Kishimoto+)
If you act the gentleman and leave Kishimoto to her shower, Kurono
gets the option to hop in bed with her (since he doesn't have an
extra futon).
1. Offer to share the bed (Kishimoto+)
2. Tell her no (Kishimoto-)
In bed, Kishimoto tells Kurono asks if he'll go somewhere with her
the next day.
1. Agree (Kishimoto+)
2. Refuse (??)
If Kurono agrees, she'll tell him about the "other her" that survived.
The next day they'll both go to see her. This is necessary for the
"Original Kishimoto" ending.
If you made Kishimoto sleep on the floor, it'll simply progress
to the next day.
Back in Gantz's Room
There are two newbies, a tall guy and a creepy girl. Kato has
already explained Gantz procedure to them but Hojo doesn't
really believe him. Kurono tries to get them to wear the suits.
Sadako puts hers on.
1. Stare at her (Sadako+)*
2. "More importantly..."
*Necessary for Sadako's ending
By the River
Kurono is transfered first, only to nearly get hit by a car.
1. Dodge Right (Kurono loses life)
2. Dodge Left (H50)
Kurono swears at the driver, only to remember he's invisible.
A Suzuki Alien appears.
1. Attack head on (H50)
2. Wait for the others (L50)
The Suzuki Alien asks, "Sato-kun?"
1. "I'm not Sato."
2. "Yes, I'm Sato."*
*Necessary for Nishi's ending
The others show up. Hojo says: "So that's an alien.
Can I go home now?"
If you chose "I'm Sato," Nishi gets annoyed and attacks
the Suzuki Alien, which gets his ass kicked and thrown in the
river. His suit breaks, and he calls for help. Kurono then
decides whether to help him or not
1. Help Nishi! (L50, Katou/Kishimoto/Sadako+)*
2. Leave him
If you choose to leave him, the others will bully you into going
anyway, so he won't die. Either way, you're forced to have
Nishi as a partner, but with his suit broken.
As long as Nishi doesn't die, his Trust goes up. This section
is necessary for his ending.
Once the Suzuki Aliens have been defeated, Kurono checks the
radar, realizing there's more left.
1. Hurry to get there (H50, Sadako/Rice+)
2. Take your time getting there (L50, Kato/Kishimoto+)
Kurono reaches the old apartment building, which according to
the radar has Suzuki Aliens inside.
1. Barge right in (H50, Rice/Nishi+)
2. Call them out (L25, Sadako/Rice+)
3. Look around the outside (L30, Kato/Kishimoto+, Nishi/Hojo-)
If you destroy the building by knocking down the four pillars,
Hojo is seriously impressed (Hojo+, H80). This is necessary
for Hojo's ending.
If you destroy all the Suzuki/let time run out, the bulding
starts to shake.
1. Tell everyone not to leave the building (all life goes down)
2. Tell everyone to get out (L40, Kato/Kishimoto+)
The Suzuki Alien boss bursts out of the rubble.
1. Attack head on (H20, Sadako+)
2. Look for a weakpoint (L40, Kato/Kishimoto+)
(I read on a Japanese site that if Kato and Kishimoto are dead by
this point, looking for a weakness prompts Nishi to respond. This
may or may not be necessary for Nishi's ending. I've yet to
confirm this).
Destroy the Boss, and Kishimoto is overjoyed. If you've
been especially nice to her, she'll pounce Kurono.
Otherwise, she grabs Kato, to Kurono's disappointment.
Everyone gets back to the room, and Kurono explains that they're
allowed to leave.
Kurono's Apartment
At this point, depending on how nice you've been to Kishimoto, she'll
either stay and take another shower, or she and Kurono will fight
(like the manga) and she'll leave. If you want her ending, you have
to keep her around. So no peeping!
Once she's in the shower...
1. "Should I bring her some shampoo?" (Kishimoto-)
2. "Calm down, calm down..." (Kishimoto+)
Gantz Room
Back in Gantz, two newbies have arrived. Sei almost
immediately comes on to Kurono. Depending on your
treatment of Kishimoto up to this point, she'll either
approach you in the room, getting this choice:
1. "...Do you like me?" (Sei+)
2. "Huh?" (Sei-)
Or no choice at all.
Kurono convinces Sei to put on her suit.
1. Stare at her (Sei+)
2. "More importantly..."
Kurono notices Togo isn't wearing his suit.
1. Try to get him to wear it (L35, Kato/Togo+)
2. Leave him alone (H20)
Rateiin Temple
Kurono and the group appear in front of Rateiin Temple.
The two gate statues look as if they could be the aliens
Gantz showed them. Kurono decides which to check first.
1. Check the left statue (YJ)
2. Check the right statue (YJ)
The X Gun shows that the statue has bones.
1. Attack head on (H30, Nishi/Rice+)
2. Tell everyone to be ready (L30, Kato/Kishimoto+)
The two Buddha Statues are destroyed. Kurono turns to
1. "All of you, keep out of my way!" (H10, Togo/Sadako/Rice+)
2. "Everyone, let's keep it up! Let's get back without
anyone dying!" (L30, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo+, Nishi-)
Inside the temple, Kurono realizes how large it is. Kato
suggests splitting into two groups. The groups change
depending on Trust points, so I can't tell you what to pick
other than 3 is always "Go alone." Whichever group you pick,
all the members will go up in Trust.
If you pick the group Sei's in, she'll approach Kurono and ask
if he wants to go out with her after they get back.
1. Accept (Sei+)*
2. Reject (Sei-)
*Necessary for Sei's ending
The Big Buddha appears out of the temple. If you did not pick
Sei's group, Kurono decides whether or not to fight it alone.
1. "This one's mine!" (H10)
2. "Let's go, everyone!" (L30, L50)
If you chose "This one's mine!" Someone will ask if Kurono's
1. Fight it alone (H40, Kato/Hojo+)
2. Fight it with everyone
If you didn't make a group choice to begin with, Kurono makes a
choice alone.
1. Fight it alone (H40)
2. Get help
Defeating the Buddha alone is necessary for both Hojo and Togo's
Once the Buddha has been defeated, it's time to attack the main
temple. The first two choices of who Kurono should take for
backup change every time. The third choice is always, "I don't
need backup." Picking someone gives you 50 L points.
It may be necessary to pick Togo as backup to get his ending, but
sometimes he's not offered as a choice. I'm not sure yet what
triggers him to offer.
If you pick 3 (no backup): H20, Sadako/Rice+
Inside, the Buddha's rant unintelligably, frightening Kishimoto.
Defeat them, and Kannon, and Kato will be VERY happy to go home.
Kurono thinks on how much stress Kato seems to be under, and
everyone goes back to the room. Kurono tells Sei they can go
home now.
In order to get the "Original Kishimoto" ending, you have to let
Kishimoto get killed by Kannon.
Kurono's Apartment
If you killed Kishimoto, you'll have a scene with the "original"
If Kishimoto's still staying with Kurono, he'll have one more chance
to peep on her.
1. Peep (Kishimoto-)
2. Leave her alone (Kishimoto+)*
*Resisting all three chances to peep is a big part of getting
Kishimoto's ending.
In the Gantz room, Kurono sees there are no new members. Everyone
suits up to fight the Chibi aliens, and Kurono is sent out first.
1. Split up to look for the Chibi (H70)
2. Stay together to look (L10, H50, Kato/Sadako/Hojo/Togo/
If you pick "split up," whoever's Trust with Kurono is strongest will
volunteer to go with him. Their Trust will go up. From what I
can tell Katou almost always volunteers.
After all the Chibi are defeated, one remains, half dead. It
says, "Justice is on our side. Some day the same will happen
to you." Kurono decides what to do with it.
1. Finish it off (H50, Nishi/Togo/Rice+, Kato/Hojo/Kishimoto/
2. Leave it (L50, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo/Sadako+, Nishi/Togo/Rice-)
Everyone goes back to the room, and then home. Depending on your
Trust points, someone will approach Kurono along the lines of "Let's
go back together." Kurono thinks to himself, "I don't know how many
more missions I'll have to go through like this to get 100 points,
but whatever happens, I'm going to protect this person!" This gives
you a clue as to which character ending you're heading towards.
At home, Kurono worries about what the Alien said. He has "a bad
feeling about it."
A Chibi appears, claiming again, "Justice is on our side." Kurono
slips out as if to run away. But after a moment he realizes what
he's doing.
1. Go back to the room (L50)
2. "It's none of my business." (H50)
If you choose to ignore the room, Kurono will eventually decide
to go back anyway. If you go back, Tae will survive. If you
don't, Tae is killed. Whether she lives or dies makes the
difference between getting several endings.
Back in the room, the Chibi tells Kurono it's his fault for
killing HIS comrades first. Justice is on their side--Kurono
is the bad guy.
1. "That's not true!" (H50)
2. "Maybe..." (L50)
The Chibi alien flies off for now. Kurono searches the classroom
for Tae, and finds her. If she's alive, he has to decide on a safe
place to take her.
1. The next classroom over (YJ)
2. The roof
If she's dead, Kurono goes to the roof on his own.
On the roof, the Chibi appears again, but so do your friends! They
"happened to be in the area and heard a commotion." (Yeah, right).
Kurono is relieved to see them. Whoever's leading the Trust rate
will ask about Tae, if she's Kurono's girlfriend, which he'll deny.
1. "Back me up, everyone!" (H100, Sadako/Nishi/Togo/Inu+)
2. "Help me fight him!" (L100, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo/Sei+)
Defeat the Chibi, then the Vampires, and view your ending.
VII. 100 Points
A. How to get (suggestions)
1. On easy mode, tell both your partners to run away for every
mission, and kill every alien with Overkill.
2. Send every alien "Up" using the Y Gun.
B. What you Get
1. Choose option 1 to get your memory erased and leave Gantz.
This gives you Ending #15
2. Choose option 2 to get the Gantz Motorcycle. This gives
you ending #14.
3. Choose option three to get ending #16.
VIII. Endings
Ending 1 (Confirmed)
Don't let anyone die. Don't let Kishimoto stay with you, don't
agree to date Sei, and don't let Tae die.
The Tae ending. Kurono and Tae start dating, and become a
couple. Kurono then has a dream where she's gone, and when
he wakes up to find Tae's still with him, realizes that
he's "not alone anymore."
Ending 2 (Confirmed)
When Kishimoto comes to your apartment to ask if she can be your
Pet, say no. Refuse to go out with Sei. Let Tae die.
After having defeated the vampires, Kurono returns home to
ponder the events. While thinking about everyone who died he
tells himself, "I don't really care. It's not as if anyone would
be upset if *I* died..." Meanwhile, a man with a sword (Saitou
the vampire?) stands outside his apartment...
Ending 3 (Confirmed)
Be good to Kato. Get lots of leader points.
Once everything's over, Kurono reflects on how good of a team
he and Katou make. Katou gushes about how awesome he is.
Kurono thinks to himself, "He's the only guy I really consider
to be a friend. I'm going to survive Gantz and escape that
room...with Kato."
Ending 4 (Confirmed)
Be good to Kishimoto. Let her stay with you, but don't
peek on her in the shower. Get lots of leader points.
After everything, Kishimoto is still living with Kurono in
his apartment. He comes home to find she's made dinner, but
just as he starts to eat they both feel the chill that means
they're going back to Gantz. Kurono assures Kishimoto that
no matter what happens, he'll protect her, and they'll come
back home together.
Ending 5 (Uncomfirmed)
Don't act like a leader, and if there's an option to shoot something,
do it. Protect Nishi from the Onion in Scenario 1 (at the apartment).
Kill the Onion Dad with an X Gun and admit to Nishi that you wanted
to see it die. Tell Suzuki you're Sato, and when Nishi gets in
trouble, help him. Use him a lot. Finish off the Chibi when you
have the chance.
Ending 6 (Unconfirmed)
Bring the dog with you on missions a few times. Make choices
to earn yourself Hero Points. In the Buddha mission, choose
to fight by yourself.
Ending 7 (Unconfirmed)
Be good to Hojo. Ignore the girls. In the Suzuki mission,
knock down the four pillars in the apartments to bring it
down. In the Buddha mission, choose to fight by yourself.
Let Tae die.
Ending 8 (Confirmed)
Be good to Sadako. Ignore the other girls. Gain Hero points.
By the end, Sadako has given up on Hojo and is now stalkng
Kurono. She promises to stay with him until he "realizes
her feelings for him."
Ending 9 (Confirmed)
Be nice to Sei, and when she confesses to you, agree to go
out with her.
At the end Sei shows up, and takes Kurono for a ride in
her car as she promised earlier.
Ending 10 (Unconfirmed)
Be good to Togo. In the Buddha mission, fight the Big Buddha
alone. Choose him to back you up when you enter the main
Ending 11 (Confirmed)
Get a LOT of Hero points. Let Tae die. Once your points
are maxed out it's hard *not* to get this ending.
Kurono reflects on Gantz, and how much he wants to go back
to the room, since when he's there, he's important.
Ending 12 (Unconfirmed)
Get a LOT of Leader points. Raise your Leader Level by
allowing your partners to kills guys. Let Tae die.
Ending 13 (Confirmed)
Go with Kishimoto to see her other self. Kill Kishimoto in the
Buddha Mission. Be nice to the original Kishimoto. Kill Tae, but
be nice to everyone else.
Ending 14 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose option 2, the stronger weapon.
Ending 15 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose option 1, leave the room.
Ending 16 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose ???????
The only way to survive is fighting
This FAQ is by Croik. Some parts I translated directly from the
game Instruction Manual, some I wrote myself. In the character section
I added some information gained from Hitoshi Doi's voice actor
database ( as well as some
information I translated from the Gantz Manual.
Big thanks to a certain Japanese hint site
( that helped fill in some of the
stuff I was missing. I will be sure to check all these things for
And Special thanks to LoserBait, who's also contributed greatly to
this FAQ. <333
Please contact me with any additions or corrections you might find
Since this game is based heavily on the Gantz Manga/Anime, there are a
few spoilers present in this guide (up to Stage 5). Game spoilers I
tried to limit to the Endings and Translation sections.
This FAQ was last updated 9/12/05.
This is my first time doing an FAQ. I hope it's useful :P
Version 1.0
I. Start Menu
A. Start Game
B. Load Game
C. Options
D. Extra Option
1. Free Play
2. Neko Mimi Mode
3. Magazine Pin-ups
4. Gantz Names
5. Special Movie
6. Scenario Completion
II. Gameplay
A. Controls
1. Story Stage
2. Battle Stage
B. Equipment
1. Weapons
a. X Gun
b. Y Gun
c. X Rifle
d. Gantz Sword
2. Items
a. Controller
b. Land Mine Capture
c. Back Up Bombardment
d. Suit Enhancer
3. Gantz Suit
4. Gantz Motorcycle
C. Points
1. Hero vs Leader Points
2. Trust points
3. Gantz Points
III. Scenarios
A. Story Stage
B. Battle Stage
1. Screen Display
2. Hero Actions
3. Partners
a. Commands
C. Scoring Stage
1. Status Report
2. Gantz Score
IV. Characters
A. Kurono Kei
B. Katou Masaru
C. Kishimoto Kei
D. Rice
E. Nishi Jouichirou
F. Hojo Masanobu
G. Nakayama Sadako
H. Sakuraoka Sei
I. Togo
V. Enemies
A. Onion Alien Mission
1. Onion Alien Child
2. Onion Alien Dad
B. Suzuki Alien Mission
1. Suzuki Aliens
2. Suzuki Alien Boss
C. Buddha Statue Mission
1. Cranky and Grouchy Aliens
2. Buddha Statues
3. 1000 Arms Kanon
D. Chibi Alien Mission
1. Chibi Aliens
2. Chibi Alien Boss
E. School Mission
1. Chibi Alien
2. Vampires
[Everything section VI and on contains SPOILERS]
VI. Quick Choices Guide
VII. 100 Points
A. How to get
B. What you get
VIII. Endings
Ending 1
Ending 2
Ending 3
Ending 4
Ending 5
Ending 6
Ending 7
Ending 8
Ending 9
Ending 10
Ending 11
Ending 12
Ending 13
Ending 14
Ending 15
Ending 16
The point of the Gantz game is to earn points by defeating aliens,
boost your own Hero and Leader points, manage your team, unlock
endings, and gather porn. The game is divided into five scenarios,
which in turn are divided into Story, Battle, and Scoring Stages. I
tried to write this guide in a way so that non-Japanese speakers would
be able to enjoy what the game has to offer. I don't know at this
point if I'll get around to a full game translation, but this is what
I have so far.
I. Start Menu
Pressing start at the title screen brings you to the menu. Remember
that in Japanese games the O button is default for selecting.
A. Start Game
This begins a new story mode, starting from the first scenario. You
can choose between Easy, Normal, and Hard for difficulty. This
changes how hard the aliens are, as well as the strength of your own
B. Load Game
Loads a previous save state. If you load previous clear data, you
begin at the first scenario with all your stats from the previous
C. Options
Here you can set your options during play
Controller Vibration: Can be set to "on" or "off"
Blood: Can be set to "on" or "off"
Screen Adjustment: Here you can adjust your screen brightness and
Sound: Adjust volume for BGM, sound effects, and the voice acting.
Controller Settings (click to enter new menu):
Control Type
Normal: Normal button arrangement
Gantz: Prioritizes use of the X Gun
Original: Arrange the buttons freely
*[The Gantz control scheme changes the weapon button to R1, as well
as changes a few other buttons. I have not played with it, so I'm
not sure what the advantage/disadvantages might be]
Lock On
Switch: Press the button once to lock on, press again to take off
Hold: Hold down the button to lock on, releasing button releases
lock on.
Orders to Partners
Switch: Press the button to switch orders on or off
Hold: Hold down the button to continue orders
Up and Down Controls:
Normal: Pushing the right analog stick down sweeps the camera up.
Reverse: Pushing the right analog stick up moves the camera down.
Right And Left Controls:
Normal: Pushing the right analog stick to the right moves the
camera right.
Reverse: Pushing the right analog stick to the right moves the
camera left.
Return to Options
Mission Start Over: Allows for you to start a mission from the
Return to title: Returns to the title screen
*The last two options available only during actual gameplay
D. Extra Option
There are several Extra Options available. You unlock more by
completing sections of the game, so check back regularly.
1. Free Play
Free play allows you to play through all five scenarios as one of
your partner characters.
2. Neko Mimi Mode
Unlock by completing Free Play with one of the partner characters.
3. Magazine Pin-ups
Here you can wade through your various magazine pinups. It takes
three issues to form a full picture. There are four ways to find
1. Story Stage
By choosing options that allow you to explore each area more,
you can come across randomly dropped magazines. However, picking
them up can sometimes affect your partners' Trust in you (i.e. if
Kishimoto's around, her Trust points may decrease)
2. Battle Stage
Sometimes by running around in a Battle Stage you can run across
magazines. They don't appear on your screen, so it's mostly luck.
Check corners, doorways, and up stairs especially.
3. Between Missions
You get certain magazines by completing certain tasks within a
mission, defeating certain bosses certain ways, or by reaching certain
levels in Hero and Leader points.
4. Unlocking
By unlocking endings (and possibly Gantz names) you can also
recover magazines
4. Gantz Names
By completing certain tasks/commanding your partners to do
certain things, you earn them and yourself Gantz names. Here is a list
of what they are and how to get (not yet confirmed):
Samurai Snob: Use only the Gantz Sword
Pea Shooter: Shoot a lot without hitting anything
Dog Lover: Use the dog in all three battle stages
Neat Freak: Continually attack from far away, without killing
Sniper: Shoot from far away a lot
Hero: Get lots of Hero points
Kurono's #1 (#2,#3) Fan: Raise Trust points significantly
Sender: Defeat all aliens with the Y Gun.
Despised: Fail to help your partners
Loser: Wasn't picked for a mission, didn't gain Trust.
Womanizer: Bring only women to all three battle stages
Bitch: Get ordered around a lot (applies to partners)
Leader: Get lots of Leader points
Not all the characters are able to get all the nicknames. A more
specialized list to follow.
5. Special Movie
A special bonus movie--anime promo.
6. Scenario Completion
Shows how many of the possible scenarios you've completed, with
a percentage. I'm not sure what reaching 100% gets you.
II. Gameplay
A. Controls
Controls can be modified in the Options menu, from the title screen or
during battle stages.
1. Story Stage
Controls during the Story Stages are pretty standard. Press the O
button to pass through the dialogue and select choices when prompted.
Use the left stick or directional pad to choose between choices.
2. Battle Stage
Start Button: Brings up the pause menu
Select Button: Not used
Left Analog Stick: Moves your character. Moves about the menu.
Right Analog Stick: Moves the Camera (During Lock On mode, changes
between targets)
Directional Pad: For use in menus. During battle stage, is used to
choose weapons/items:
Up: Change to weapon 1
Left: Change to weapon 2
Right: Use Item 1
Down: Use Item 2
Selecting an item activates it immediately.
Triangle: Evade (somersault)
Circle: Hand to Hand Combat, default "yes" button
X: Jump, default "cancel" button
Square: Attack with weapon
R1: Lock on
R2: Brings up action commands for partner 2, tap to tell partner 2 to
R3: Change the Camera's POV
L1: Power up your suit, use Hero Action
L2: Brings up action commands for partner 1, tap to tell
partner 1 to dodge.
L3: Display radar and remaining time in mission.
R2+L2: Give both partners the same command.
B. Equipment
Before each Battle Stage (with some exceptions) you're allowed to
choose two weapons and two items. The weapons have a separate power
gauge, which forces them to be less effective if you fire too rapidly.
The items can only be used a certain number of times per stage.
1. Weapons
a. X Gun
X Gun (upper left weapon): A mid-range gun. Just like in the manga/
anime, damage is inflicted some time after hitting the target. It's
also possible to fire a charged shot by holding down the square
button for a short time, which inflicts greater damage than a normal
b. Y Gun
Y Gun (below the X gun): A mid-range gun. By hitting the target, it
is restrained for a short time. Rapid fire is impossible but you can
fire a charge short, which functions as a homing shot. Also, if you
use the Y Gun again on a target which has been captured, you can "send
it up." How long the enemy stays captured by the Y Gun depends on how
much health it has left--less health, longer time.
--By sending the target "up" you receive a point bonus from Gantz.
Your partners, however, can't perform this action. If you use the
the Y Gun on an enemy your partner has already captured it will
NOT be sent.
c. X Rifle
X Rifle (center of weapons): Long range gun. Like the X Gun, there's
a time delay on the damage, and charged shots inflict a greater amount
of damage. Especially useful for large enemies.
d. Gantz Sword
Gantz Sword (far right of weapons): Close range weapon. Inflicts
greater damage and has a greater range than normal close range
attacks, but like the guns, if your weapon energy decreases its power
decreases dramatically.
2. Items
a. Controller
Use this to make yourself invisible. While invisible, you won't be
targetted by the enemy. After some time, you reappear. You can only
use it three times. It is possible to charge your weapons while
*Like the manga, some enemies are not fooled by your changing
b. Land Mine Capture
Use by setting on the ground. If a target walks over it, it will be
restrained for up to ten seconds. You can use it 3 times.
c. Back Up Bombardment (the blue triangles)
Use this by setting it on the ground. After being set, some time
passes before commencing attack. A huge lazer falls down at the
center of the luminated area, damaging you, your allies, and/or your
enemies indiscriminately. You can only use it once per stage.
d. Suit Enhancer (the suit icon)
When attacked by the enemy while using this item, the damage is taken
from your suit's power gauge instead of its endurance. You won't be
thrown back by the enemy if it hits you, but your power gauge goes
down twice as fast. You can use it 3 times and each lasts about 30
--If you use it once, you can't use it again until it wears off
--If your power gauge is already at zero, the damage you receive then
goes to your strength.
3. Gantz Suit
The Gantz Suit is standard for almost every character. During the
Battle Stage, The yellow is your suit's endurance. The Green is the
power gauge. Once your suit is broken, you can still run around and
fight for some time without dying, but your strength is greatly
decreased and you slow way down. For some reason you can power up
even if the suit's been broken so use that when you need to escape
Pressing the L1 button during the Battle Stage allows you to Power Up,
increasing your attack power, mobility, and also allowing you to
initiate Hero Actions and special evades. How often you can use this
is determined by the green Power Gauge on your Suit Icon.
C. Points
1. Hero vs Leader Points
Your progress through the game is measured constantly through Hero and
Leader Points. At the end of every scenario, during the Scoring
Stage, your points are totalled. By getting more Hero than Leader
points, your suit endurance goes up 30%. By getting more Leader than
Hero points, the endurance of your partners' suits goes up 20%. You
get points through two different methods:
a. Decisions made during Story Stages. By choosing to fight
missions alone, attacking directly or impulsively, or basically by
acting out, you gain Hero points. By waiting for your fellows,
helping them escape dangerous situations, and being an over all nice
guy you earn Leader Points.
b. Actions during Battle Stages. By using Hero Actions and
destroying the most aliens, you earn Hero points. By helping your
fellows, giving detailed orders, and allowing your partners to take
points for kills, you gain Leader Points.
It's important to keep a balanced team by gaining Hero and Leader
points. You cannot lose points.
2. Trust points
Each character (other than Kurono) has a number of Trust points which
represent their faith in Kurono as their leader. By making
decisions during Story Stages, or by selecting a character for a
mission, their Trust will go up. You can also lose Trust points by
upsetting your team members. A character's trust in Kurono will
affect what Orders you're allowed to give them, what Gantz name they
receive, and what ending you get.
I.E, leave Kishimoto alone in the shower, and her Trust will go up.
Bust in on her, and it will go down.
3. Gantz Points
You earn Gantz points by killing aliens. You can get extra points
by overkilling, or using the send gun, as well. Unlike the
manga, most Aliens are usually only worth 1 point each. The
number of points affects which Gantz name you get. By reaching
100 points, you're able to choose between three options, each
of which results in a game ending.
III. Scenarios
Each of the 5 scenarios goes roughly like this:
Story Stage
Enter Gantz
Choose weapons
Depart for Mission
More Story
Select Partners
Battle Stage
Story and Battle as many times as necessary
Scoring Stage
Leave Room
There are usually 3 Battle Stages per Scenario. Each Scenario is more
or less closely related to each mission in the manga.
A. Story Stage
Story Stages are acted out through conversations between characters.
During these stages is when Kurono vies for Trust points with his
partners, as well as earns Hero and Leader points that will give you
bonuses during the Battle Stages. Choices during the Story Stages
greatly influence your game ending.
B. Battle Stage
Put plainly, the parts where you kill aliens. You can use these
stages to earn more Hero and Leader points, as well as hunt for
magazine pin-ups. Sometimes even letting one of your partners die
determines your ending.
1. Screen Display
Upper Left: Status of Partner 1. The Green suit icon shows how much
health they have left, their name, and whatever current orders
they're following.
*"Follow Me" is the default order
Upper Right: Status of Partner 2. The Green suit icon shows how much
health they have left, their name, and whatever current orders they're
*"Follow Me" is the default order
The enemies display their remaining health over their head. If you
attack with the X Gun or X Rifle, sometimes an "Overkill" notice will
flash. That means the damage you've already inflicted will kill it,
as soon as the time lag has passed, so you don't have to keep shooting
it. You do, however, get points for overkills, so fire away!
Colored arrows along the sides of the screens show you where other
partners and enemies are:
Blue: Your partners
Yellow: Enemies
Red: An enmey that is currently targeting you
The bottom left icon displays your current weapon and weapon power.
Once you're out of weapon power your attacks become far less powerful.
Let it recharge between attacks. By using the left directional pad,
you can choose between weapons and items.
Bottom right suit icon: The yellow is your suit's endurance. The
Green is the power gauge. Once your suit is broken, you can still run
around and fight for some time without dying, but your strength is
greatly decreased and you slow way down. For some reason you can
power up even if the suit's been broken so use that when you need to
escape suddenly.
The bottom right shows your radar, and how much time is left in the
2. Hero Actions
There are three different types of Hero Actions:
a. Against Enemies: If you have enough energy, you can face a
locked on enemy and press the triangle button to perform an action
(such as a special evasion)
b. Movement points: During a stage, sometimes to progress you
have to power up and use the triangle shaped Hero Mark (aka jumping
down stairs in mission 1). Just move to the marker and press L1.
c. Hero Action Markers: Somestimes in a stage itself you find
Hero action markers that you can use by pressing L1. Such as throwing
cars. Action Markers appear on your Radar as a yellow point.
3. Partners
During each mission you (usually) have two partners that fight
alongside you. Each Character has a single default weapon that you
can't change, as well as a variety of commands. Each character also
has a specific special move and health and strength parameters.
a. Commands
By holding down the L2 and/or R2 button, you can give your partners
orders. Hold down the R2/L2 button and press one of the following to
give orders:
Triangle: Protect that spot
Circle: Use hand to hand combat
Square: Use your weapon
X: Follow Me
Up: Run Away
Down: Use your Special Move
Right and Left: Sometimes available (depending on leader points?) to
sic your partner on a particular target.
If you go too long without giving your patner an order, they'll start
to complain. In order to maximize your Leader Points, make sure you
always have them doing something, even if it's standing back to let
you take all the points.
Tapping R2 or L2 will make Kurono call a warning to his partners. If
it looks like they're about to get clobbored, try to warn them!
C. Scoring Stage
Once you've completed all the necessary Story and Battle Stages,
scoring beings.
1. Status Report
The status screen shows up between Battle Stages, to let you know how
you did, how many points you received, etc. They're listed in the
following order:
Damage you Inflicted
Damage you received
Hero Actions
Hero Points Recieved
Current Hero Points
Current Hero Level
Points needed for next Level
Damage your partners inflicted
Damage your partners received
?????? (can't read tiny kanji!)
Partner Overkill
Current Leader Points
Current Leader Level
Points needed for next Level
2. Gantz Score
Your Gantz score is earned by how many aliens you kill. Your Gantz
Name is earned by points, actions, and choices. I.E, if you've raised
a certain character's Trust pretty high, they might receive the name
"Kurono's #1 Fan."
Gantz sometimes also gives comments in the bottom left corner, such as
"too much tail wagging," for Rice. I'm not sure how many of those
there are, though I've gotten, "too much standing around," "too much
showing off," "too much relying on Nishi," etc.
IV. Characters
You gain playable characters as the game progresses through Scenarios.
Each has a different amount of health, strength, and their own special
attack. Once a character dies during a mission, they're gone for
good, so be careful picking.
The easiest way to gain Trust with any character is to bring them
on a lot of missions. Sometimes it's very obvious how to earn
them points, sometimes not, so a lot of experimentation is
A. Kurono Kei
Name: Kurono Kei
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: "Getting involved with Katou" - AKA, hit by subway
VA: Namikawa Daisuke
Default Weapon: NA
Special Attack: NA
How to gain Trust: NA
Kurono is the character you play as during normal game play.
B. Katou Masaru
Name: Katou Masaru
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: "Attacked by a train."
VA: Dairi Masashi
Default Weapon: Y Gun
Special Attack: Katou grabs the enemy in a bear hug (like he does the
Tanaka alien in the manga). Not effective on larger enemies. The
smaller aliens (like Chibis) can be killed by this.
How to gain Trust: Act like a leader. If you're gaining Leader
Points, chances are you're making Katou happy.
C. Kishimoto Kei
Name: Kishimoto Kei
Occupation: High School Student
How Died: Suicide - slit wrists in the bathtub
VA: Nabatame Hitomi
Health: 900
Default Weapon: X Gun
Special Attack: Fires several charged X Gun shots. Very strong
but not always accurate. Best on groups.
How to gain Trust: Don't pop in during her embarassing situations.
Basically, be a gentleman.
D. Rice
Name: Rice (Manga: Butter Dog)
Occupation: Pet
How Died: NA (According to the Gantz Manual: hit by car)
VA: ??
Health: 600
Default Weapon: NA
Special Attack: Rice howls, which powers up his suit
for a short time.
How to gain Trust: Bring to missions. Act cool by
fighting aliens alone.
E. Nishi Jouichirou
Name: Nishi Jouichirou
Occupation: Middle School Student
How Died: Fell from a rooftop
VA: Yabe Masashi
Health: 900
Default Weapon: X Rifle
Special Attack: Changes frequency to charge X Rifle, then pops out of
hiding to deliver a charged attack.
How to gain Trust: Attack things head on. Don't act like a leader.
DON'T believe his stories.
F. Hojo Masanobu
Name: Hojo Masanobu
Occupation: Former Model
How Died: Motorcycle accident
VA: Kamiya Kouji
Default Weapon: Gantz Sword
Special Attack: A counter attack: for ~30 seconds Hojo goes on
standby, and in that time if he's attacked, he'll counter and
not take damage.
How to gain Trust: Be direct, but not reckless. Show off in the
Suzuki and Buddha missions.
G. Nakayama Sadako
Name: Nakayama Sadako (Manga: Suzumura Sadayo)
Occupation: ??
How Died: Motorcycle accident
VA: Kakazu Yumi
Default Weapon: Y Gun
Special Attack: Changes frequencies, then appears and uses the Y Gun
How to gain Trust: Stare at and be nice to her.
H. Sakuraoka Sei
Name: Sakuraoka Sei
Occupation: ??
How Died: (Manual: motorcycle accident)
VA: Sonosaki Mie
Health: 1050
Default Weapon: X Gun
Special Attack: A martial arts combo
How to gain Trust: Agree to go out with her. Deny liking Kishimoto.
Pretty simple, really.
I. Togo
Name: Togo
Occupation: ??
How Died: (Manual: Hit by drunk driver)
VA: ??
Health: 700
Default Weapon: X Rifle
Special Attack: Fires a charged rifle shot from far away.
How to gain Trust: Be direct and aggressive. Don't wander around or
be a leader.
V. Enemies
Each of the aliens is taken directly from a Stage of the manga.
There are also special Hero Actions that apply to each in any
given stage, so keep an eye out.
A. Onion Alien Mission
1. Onion Alien Child
The Onion Alien Child is the first enemy you encounter in the game.
They're not very strong, and can usually be taken out with a few shots
from the X Gun, or even bare fists. They attack by swinging their
onions or spitting acid. Be careful not to step in the acid, you will
take damage.
Available Hero Actions: Throw cars/vans at them.
2. Onion Alien Dad
The Onion Alien Dad attacks mostly by slashing, though sometimes he'll
pick up you or your partner and fling them around. He'll also uproot
trees to swing at you. Be careful when he jumps to the upper level,
as he'll start throwing cars down at you. They're not that hard to
dodge by rolling, but make sure you call a warning to your partners
as well, or they'll usually get nailed.
HA: Throw cars at him.
B. Suzuki Alien Mission
1. Suzuki Aliens
When out in the open, the Suzuki Aliens like to fly around a lot, so
lock on and use the X Gun when they pause. They're not affected by
changing frequencies. If you damage one enough with hand to hand, a
gross looking bird thingie pops out of the suit. Like in the manga you
can use Katou's grab special to force the birds out, making them easier
to kill. They attack mostly with their Sonic Blast, which you can
usually avoid pretty easily by running, jumping, or rolling.
HA: When one dives into the river, punch into the water to drive
it out.
When in the apartment building, punch the four pillars in for
a special sequence. (There are two on the first floor and two
on the second).
2. Suzuki Alien Boss
If you failed to kill all the regular Suzuki aliens in the building,
the remainder appear outside while you fight the Boss. It flies
around mostly, so shoot from a distance. Its arial attack includes
dropping down on you really fast, so when it starts to glow red back
off some and warn your partners. One on the ground, the boss
attacks with sonic blasts and swipes from its wings.
Sometimes the boss will swoop down and grab you or your partners.
Shoot at the boss's feet with the rifle to get them down.
C. Buddha Statue Mission
1. Cranky and Grouchy Aliens
These two Buddhas are pretty sluggish, but they do pack a heavy punch
if you get hit, so stay out of range and attack the feet. Once
they've fallen, attack the head for the kill. They'll continue
to crawl after you, though, so stay away from their swinging hands.
When one dies the second will power up, and regrow its legs
if they've already been blown off.
HA: Throw cars at them.
2. Big Buddha
The Big Buddha attacks mostly by stomping and slapping. Shoot
the feet to get it to kneel, then attack the head. The X Rifle
works pretty well. If it catches you it'll try to eat you, so
mash buttons to get away.
HA: Press L1 just before it hits you with its fist to defend.
In the far corners of the area are two hero markers that
allow you to perform a jumping attack.
3. Buddha Statues
The smaller Buddhas are a pain. There are different kinds, and they
attack with strong kicks and sometimes magic. Sakuraoka's martial arts
combo works pretty well on them.
HA: The two huge pillars in the temple can be knocked over.
Try to time it so that they fall on as many statues as
4. 1000 Arms Kanon
Fortunately, 1000 Arms Kanon is not as bad in the game as it was in the
manga (Q_Q). Stay at a distance and shoot with the guns. The path of
the lazer is marked with a beam of light before it fires, so it's not
that hard to avoid. Just make sure you remind your partners to dodge
as well. Be careful of the acid as well, as it'll immobilize you for
a short time.
HA: If you didn't knock the pillars down for the smaller statues,
you can use them on Kanon.
D. Chibi Alien Mission
1. Chibi Aliens
The Chibi Aliens attack en masse, and can get annoying really fast with
their flying kicks. You can shoot at them with the X Rifle while they
wait on the rooftops, but once you see a red arrow on the side of your
screen be sure to roll out of the way, 'cause they come down on you
pretty fast. Once they're on the ground alternate between shots with
the X Gun and a powered up hand to hand combo. The Gantz Sword also
works pretty well.
HA: In the second half of the roof fight, a Hero Marker will
sometimes appear at the center of the roof. Use it to counter
their combos.
2. Chibi Alien Boss
The Chibi Alien Boss has a pinkish energy shield that protects it from
damage most of the time. It's faster and stronger than the other Chibis
so be careful not to get caught in its close quarter's combo. Keep away
from it, shooting with the X Gun to lower the shield, then power up your
suit and beat the crap out of it.
E. School Mission
1. Chibi Alien
You fight the Chibi alien in this mission pretty much the same way you
did in the last, except this time save your suit energy. When it
starts to use its telekenesis, move to the center of the room and
activate the Hero Marker. It'll allow you to block everything the
chibi can throw at you.
HA: Counter telekenesis.
The second fight is on the roof. Use the same strategies. You can
throw the ventilation equipment around, but it's not usually very
You fight the Chibi Alien again outside the school, but he's half dead
by then. Just blast away.
2. Vampires
The Vampires show up pretty much out of nowhere, and attack you two at
a time. They use their specials often, which is a pain, but if you're
powered up you can sometimes perform a special evade by pressing the
Triangle button as they attack.
a. Swords (the shaved head one)
Swords takes off more damage than his partner, so take him out
first. Sometimes he defends with his swords so alternate your attacks
between fists and guns. His special move involves him running up the
wall and plunging down at you, but it's easy to roll out of the way of.
HA: If you're powered up when he comes at you with the swords, you'll
evade automatically.
b. Knife (looks like Vincent from the Cowboy Bebop movie :P)
The knife wielding vampire isn't as nasty as his partner, but
he dodges a lot. But with Swords gone it shouldn't be any problem to
gang up on him and take him out. He attacks mostly with the knife,
which is somehow electrified and halts your movements for a while.
His special attack is that he drinks your blood O_o
c. Grenade Launcher (the old guy who doesn't talk)
The old guy is the most annoying. He uses his special
constantly, and it's not easy to dodge the grenades. Try to take him
out first with your guns or sword. His special move includes sending
a bunch of grenades flying, so keep moving. Sometimes he'll run the
length of the screen, dropping bombs--if your Power Gauge is high
enough a Hero Marker will appear, allowing you to kick them back at
him for decent damage. Also, if you face him directly when he shoots
a grenade at you, if you're fast with the L1 button you can catch it
out of the air and toss it back.
The old man can also do a combo attack with Blondie, so try to take
at least one of them out quickly.
d. Handguns (Blondie)
Blondie's handguns aren't all that damaging, but he has several
special attacks that are hard to avoid and do a lot of damage. Two of
them are high kicks that can send you or your partners flying. But the
most dangerous is when he jumps behind you--if he gets on your
shoulders, he can break your suit in one go. Gang up on him and
alternate between fists and guns.
VI. Choices Guide
The Gantz game is one huge "Choose Your Own Adventure" type story.
Some choices affect only Trust, some affect the story line itself.
There are also things you can do within the battle stages that
affect the story, such as defeating bosses a certain way. Because of
this, there's no practical way of telling which choices to make without
also giving clues as to what's going on at the moment, so you can
decide what to do depending on what options you get. Which is
This guide will show you the consequences for the choices you
make during the game, as far as gaining/losing Trust, earning
Hero/Leader points, or unlocking special scenes. Though I've
played through the full five scenarios many times by now it's
possible I'm still missing things, so contact me if you know
something I don't! This guide also contains clues as to how to get
certain endings.
+ Trust up
- Trust down
L Leader Points
H Hero Points
YJ Pinup
Inside the Gantz Room
When Kurono first enters the room he reflects on what's happened
to him. You have four choices:
1. Space out
2. Talk to Kato (Kato+)
3. Talk to the middle schooler (Nishi+)
4. Talk to the dog (Rice+)
Talk to Kato and he'll talk about how cool Kurono used to be, and
that he wanted to be just like him.
1. "Yeah, whatever" (H10)
2. "Really...?" (L20)
Kishimoto shows up suddenly and lands in Kurono's lap.
1. Embrace her (Katou/Kishimoto-)
2. Give her your clothes (Kishimoto+)
When Gantz opens up, Kurono finds the suit
1. Put on your own without saying anything (H20)
2. Tell everyone to put them on (L20)
Kishimoto screams from the next room
1. Go take a look (Kishimoto-)
2. Call ahead first (Kishimoto+)
Nishi goes on for a while about how everyone is involved in a
TV show, like he does in the manga.
1. Believe him (Nishi-)
2. Don't believe him (Nishi+)
It's time to look for the aliens. Kato is missing for some reason.
1. Decide to look alone (H40)
2. Look with Kishimoto (Kishimoto+)
3. Look with Nishi (Nishi+)
4. Look with the dog (Dog+)
Kurono has to decide where to go first
1. Around the area (you'll find onions)
2. Some condos (YJ)
3. An apartment complex
When Kurono reaches the apartment complex, there are 3 doors
1. Choose the left door
2. Choose the middle door (the Onion alien)
3. Choose the right door
(If you choose both the left and right door before the middle,
whoever is with Kurono will lose Trust)
Kurono finds the Onion Alien! He really reeks.
1. Attack immediately! (H20)
2. Call for everyone else (L10)
If you attack the Alien immediately, it'll ask for onions.
1. Give it onions (only works if you found some earlier)
2. Don't give it onions
If someone is with Kurono at the time, the Onion attacks.
1. Just dodge (H10)
2. Protect Partner (L10, whoever+)*
*May be necessary to get Nishi's ending
More Onion Aliens appear
1. "Let me handle this." (H10, Rice+)
2. Tell everyone to be careful (L20, Kishimoto+)
(Battle Stages)
The Onion Aliens have been beaten, but there's still a reaction
on the radar. Kurono decides where to search.
1. Search the roof
2. Go down to the first floor again
If you decided to go straight down, Kurono gets another choice
1. "I'll go on ahead." (H30, Kishimoto+)
2. "Let's go down together." (L30, Kishimoto+, Nishi-)
If you searched the roof, you find nothing. Decide again.
1. Search the roof some more (YJ)
2. Go down to the first floor again
On the first floor Kurono encounters Kato, who is trying to tell
the Onion Dad that he didn't kill the others.
1. Shout at Kato for him to shoot (Kato loses life)
2. Interfere directly (Kurono loses life)
Kurono finds himself face to face with the Onion Dad.
1. Fight! (H30)
2. Run away!
(Whichever you pick, you'll get the following choice:)
1. Turn and run (Everyone-)
2. Taunt the Onion Dad to lure it away from everyone (H80, Kato/
After running for a while, Kurono realizes he's out of shape
and the Onion Dad is catching up
1. Try to run faster (H30, H100)
2. Call for help
Finally, Kurono and the Onion Dad are forced to face off.
Defeat him by beating him up or sending him, and after a
chat where Nishi complains about there not being enough points,
you go back to the room. If you blow him up, Nishi gives Kurono
the "You like looking at dead bodies" speech he gives in the
manga. Kurono responds.
1. "I'm not like you." (Nishi-)
2. "...You might be right." (Nishi+)*
*Necessary for Nishi's ending
You then return to the room, are scored, and after arguing with
Nishi (nearly word for word from the anime) everyone goes home.
Kurono's Apartment
While Kurono reflects on what happens, he suddenly gets a knock
on the door. It's Kishimoto, asking to be his pet.
1. "No, you can't." (Kishimoto-)
2. "It's totally fine!" (Kishimoto+)*
*Necessary for Kishimoto's ending
If you let Kishimoto stay, she'll take a shower. Kurono then
1. "Girls like using cream rinse. Should I bring her some?"
2. "Calm down, calm down" (Kishimoto+)
If you act the gentleman and leave Kishimoto to her shower, Kurono
gets the option to hop in bed with her (since he doesn't have an
extra futon).
1. Offer to share the bed (Kishimoto+)
2. Tell her no (Kishimoto-)
In bed, Kishimoto tells Kurono asks if he'll go somewhere with her
the next day.
1. Agree (Kishimoto+)
2. Refuse (??)
If Kurono agrees, she'll tell him about the "other her" that survived.
The next day they'll both go to see her. This is necessary for the
"Original Kishimoto" ending.
If you made Kishimoto sleep on the floor, it'll simply progress
to the next day.
Back in Gantz's Room
There are two newbies, a tall guy and a creepy girl. Kato has
already explained Gantz procedure to them but Hojo doesn't
really believe him. Kurono tries to get them to wear the suits.
Sadako puts hers on.
1. Stare at her (Sadako+)*
2. "More importantly..."
*Necessary for Sadako's ending
By the River
Kurono is transfered first, only to nearly get hit by a car.
1. Dodge Right (Kurono loses life)
2. Dodge Left (H50)
Kurono swears at the driver, only to remember he's invisible.
A Suzuki Alien appears.
1. Attack head on (H50)
2. Wait for the others (L50)
The Suzuki Alien asks, "Sato-kun?"
1. "I'm not Sato."
2. "Yes, I'm Sato."*
*Necessary for Nishi's ending
The others show up. Hojo says: "So that's an alien.
Can I go home now?"
If you chose "I'm Sato," Nishi gets annoyed and attacks
the Suzuki Alien, which gets his ass kicked and thrown in the
river. His suit breaks, and he calls for help. Kurono then
decides whether to help him or not
1. Help Nishi! (L50, Katou/Kishimoto/Sadako+)*
2. Leave him
If you choose to leave him, the others will bully you into going
anyway, so he won't die. Either way, you're forced to have
Nishi as a partner, but with his suit broken.
As long as Nishi doesn't die, his Trust goes up. This section
is necessary for his ending.
Once the Suzuki Aliens have been defeated, Kurono checks the
radar, realizing there's more left.
1. Hurry to get there (H50, Sadako/Rice+)
2. Take your time getting there (L50, Kato/Kishimoto+)
Kurono reaches the old apartment building, which according to
the radar has Suzuki Aliens inside.
1. Barge right in (H50, Rice/Nishi+)
2. Call them out (L25, Sadako/Rice+)
3. Look around the outside (L30, Kato/Kishimoto+, Nishi/Hojo-)
If you destroy the building by knocking down the four pillars,
Hojo is seriously impressed (Hojo+, H80). This is necessary
for Hojo's ending.
If you destroy all the Suzuki/let time run out, the bulding
starts to shake.
1. Tell everyone not to leave the building (all life goes down)
2. Tell everyone to get out (L40, Kato/Kishimoto+)
The Suzuki Alien boss bursts out of the rubble.
1. Attack head on (H20, Sadako+)
2. Look for a weakpoint (L40, Kato/Kishimoto+)
(I read on a Japanese site that if Kato and Kishimoto are dead by
this point, looking for a weakness prompts Nishi to respond. This
may or may not be necessary for Nishi's ending. I've yet to
confirm this).
Destroy the Boss, and Kishimoto is overjoyed. If you've
been especially nice to her, she'll pounce Kurono.
Otherwise, she grabs Kato, to Kurono's disappointment.
Everyone gets back to the room, and Kurono explains that they're
allowed to leave.
Kurono's Apartment
At this point, depending on how nice you've been to Kishimoto, she'll
either stay and take another shower, or she and Kurono will fight
(like the manga) and she'll leave. If you want her ending, you have
to keep her around. So no peeping!
Once she's in the shower...
1. "Should I bring her some shampoo?" (Kishimoto-)
2. "Calm down, calm down..." (Kishimoto+)
Gantz Room
Back in Gantz, two newbies have arrived. Sei almost
immediately comes on to Kurono. Depending on your
treatment of Kishimoto up to this point, she'll either
approach you in the room, getting this choice:
1. "...Do you like me?" (Sei+)
2. "Huh?" (Sei-)
Or no choice at all.
Kurono convinces Sei to put on her suit.
1. Stare at her (Sei+)
2. "More importantly..."
Kurono notices Togo isn't wearing his suit.
1. Try to get him to wear it (L35, Kato/Togo+)
2. Leave him alone (H20)
Rateiin Temple
Kurono and the group appear in front of Rateiin Temple.
The two gate statues look as if they could be the aliens
Gantz showed them. Kurono decides which to check first.
1. Check the left statue (YJ)
2. Check the right statue (YJ)
The X Gun shows that the statue has bones.
1. Attack head on (H30, Nishi/Rice+)
2. Tell everyone to be ready (L30, Kato/Kishimoto+)
The two Buddha Statues are destroyed. Kurono turns to
1. "All of you, keep out of my way!" (H10, Togo/Sadako/Rice+)
2. "Everyone, let's keep it up! Let's get back without
anyone dying!" (L30, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo+, Nishi-)
Inside the temple, Kurono realizes how large it is. Kato
suggests splitting into two groups. The groups change
depending on Trust points, so I can't tell you what to pick
other than 3 is always "Go alone." Whichever group you pick,
all the members will go up in Trust.
If you pick the group Sei's in, she'll approach Kurono and ask
if he wants to go out with her after they get back.
1. Accept (Sei+)*
2. Reject (Sei-)
*Necessary for Sei's ending
The Big Buddha appears out of the temple. If you did not pick
Sei's group, Kurono decides whether or not to fight it alone.
1. "This one's mine!" (H10)
2. "Let's go, everyone!" (L30, L50)
If you chose "This one's mine!" Someone will ask if Kurono's
1. Fight it alone (H40, Kato/Hojo+)
2. Fight it with everyone
If you didn't make a group choice to begin with, Kurono makes a
choice alone.
1. Fight it alone (H40)
2. Get help
Defeating the Buddha alone is necessary for both Hojo and Togo's
Once the Buddha has been defeated, it's time to attack the main
temple. The first two choices of who Kurono should take for
backup change every time. The third choice is always, "I don't
need backup." Picking someone gives you 50 L points.
It may be necessary to pick Togo as backup to get his ending, but
sometimes he's not offered as a choice. I'm not sure yet what
triggers him to offer.
If you pick 3 (no backup): H20, Sadako/Rice+
Inside, the Buddha's rant unintelligably, frightening Kishimoto.
Defeat them, and Kannon, and Kato will be VERY happy to go home.
Kurono thinks on how much stress Kato seems to be under, and
everyone goes back to the room. Kurono tells Sei they can go
home now.
In order to get the "Original Kishimoto" ending, you have to let
Kishimoto get killed by Kannon.
Kurono's Apartment
If you killed Kishimoto, you'll have a scene with the "original"
If Kishimoto's still staying with Kurono, he'll have one more chance
to peep on her.
1. Peep (Kishimoto-)
2. Leave her alone (Kishimoto+)*
*Resisting all three chances to peep is a big part of getting
Kishimoto's ending.
In the Gantz room, Kurono sees there are no new members. Everyone
suits up to fight the Chibi aliens, and Kurono is sent out first.
1. Split up to look for the Chibi (H70)
2. Stay together to look (L10, H50, Kato/Sadako/Hojo/Togo/
If you pick "split up," whoever's Trust with Kurono is strongest will
volunteer to go with him. Their Trust will go up. From what I
can tell Katou almost always volunteers.
After all the Chibi are defeated, one remains, half dead. It
says, "Justice is on our side. Some day the same will happen
to you." Kurono decides what to do with it.
1. Finish it off (H50, Nishi/Togo/Rice+, Kato/Hojo/Kishimoto/
2. Leave it (L50, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo/Sadako+, Nishi/Togo/Rice-)
Everyone goes back to the room, and then home. Depending on your
Trust points, someone will approach Kurono along the lines of "Let's
go back together." Kurono thinks to himself, "I don't know how many
more missions I'll have to go through like this to get 100 points,
but whatever happens, I'm going to protect this person!" This gives
you a clue as to which character ending you're heading towards.
At home, Kurono worries about what the Alien said. He has "a bad
feeling about it."
A Chibi appears, claiming again, "Justice is on our side." Kurono
slips out as if to run away. But after a moment he realizes what
he's doing.
1. Go back to the room (L50)
2. "It's none of my business." (H50)
If you choose to ignore the room, Kurono will eventually decide
to go back anyway. If you go back, Tae will survive. If you
don't, Tae is killed. Whether she lives or dies makes the
difference between getting several endings.
Back in the room, the Chibi tells Kurono it's his fault for
killing HIS comrades first. Justice is on their side--Kurono
is the bad guy.
1. "That's not true!" (H50)
2. "Maybe..." (L50)
The Chibi alien flies off for now. Kurono searches the classroom
for Tae, and finds her. If she's alive, he has to decide on a safe
place to take her.
1. The next classroom over (YJ)
2. The roof
If she's dead, Kurono goes to the roof on his own.
On the roof, the Chibi appears again, but so do your friends! They
"happened to be in the area and heard a commotion." (Yeah, right).
Kurono is relieved to see them. Whoever's leading the Trust rate
will ask about Tae, if she's Kurono's girlfriend, which he'll deny.
1. "Back me up, everyone!" (H100, Sadako/Nishi/Togo/Inu+)
2. "Help me fight him!" (L100, Kato/Kishimoto/Hojo/Sei+)
Defeat the Chibi, then the Vampires, and view your ending.
VII. 100 Points
A. How to get (suggestions)
1. On easy mode, tell both your partners to run away for every
mission, and kill every alien with Overkill.
2. Send every alien "Up" using the Y Gun.
B. What you Get
1. Choose option 1 to get your memory erased and leave Gantz.
This gives you Ending #15
2. Choose option 2 to get the Gantz Motorcycle. This gives
you ending #14.
3. Choose option three to get ending #16.
VIII. Endings
Ending 1 (Confirmed)
Don't let anyone die. Don't let Kishimoto stay with you, don't
agree to date Sei, and don't let Tae die.
The Tae ending. Kurono and Tae start dating, and become a
couple. Kurono then has a dream where she's gone, and when
he wakes up to find Tae's still with him, realizes that
he's "not alone anymore."
Ending 2 (Confirmed)
When Kishimoto comes to your apartment to ask if she can be your
Pet, say no. Refuse to go out with Sei. Let Tae die.
After having defeated the vampires, Kurono returns home to
ponder the events. While thinking about everyone who died he
tells himself, "I don't really care. It's not as if anyone would
be upset if *I* died..." Meanwhile, a man with a sword (Saitou
the vampire?) stands outside his apartment...
Ending 3 (Confirmed)
Be good to Kato. Get lots of leader points.
Once everything's over, Kurono reflects on how good of a team
he and Katou make. Katou gushes about how awesome he is.
Kurono thinks to himself, "He's the only guy I really consider
to be a friend. I'm going to survive Gantz and escape that
room...with Kato."
Ending 4 (Confirmed)
Be good to Kishimoto. Let her stay with you, but don't
peek on her in the shower. Get lots of leader points.
After everything, Kishimoto is still living with Kurono in
his apartment. He comes home to find she's made dinner, but
just as he starts to eat they both feel the chill that means
they're going back to Gantz. Kurono assures Kishimoto that
no matter what happens, he'll protect her, and they'll come
back home together.
Ending 5 (Uncomfirmed)
Don't act like a leader, and if there's an option to shoot something,
do it. Protect Nishi from the Onion in Scenario 1 (at the apartment).
Kill the Onion Dad with an X Gun and admit to Nishi that you wanted
to see it die. Tell Suzuki you're Sato, and when Nishi gets in
trouble, help him. Use him a lot. Finish off the Chibi when you
have the chance.
Ending 6 (Unconfirmed)
Bring the dog with you on missions a few times. Make choices
to earn yourself Hero Points. In the Buddha mission, choose
to fight by yourself.
Ending 7 (Unconfirmed)
Be good to Hojo. Ignore the girls. In the Suzuki mission,
knock down the four pillars in the apartments to bring it
down. In the Buddha mission, choose to fight by yourself.
Let Tae die.
Ending 8 (Confirmed)
Be good to Sadako. Ignore the other girls. Gain Hero points.
By the end, Sadako has given up on Hojo and is now stalkng
Kurono. She promises to stay with him until he "realizes
her feelings for him."
Ending 9 (Confirmed)
Be nice to Sei, and when she confesses to you, agree to go
out with her.
At the end Sei shows up, and takes Kurono for a ride in
her car as she promised earlier.
Ending 10 (Unconfirmed)
Be good to Togo. In the Buddha mission, fight the Big Buddha
alone. Choose him to back you up when you enter the main
Ending 11 (Confirmed)
Get a LOT of Hero points. Let Tae die. Once your points
are maxed out it's hard *not* to get this ending.
Kurono reflects on Gantz, and how much he wants to go back
to the room, since when he's there, he's important.
Ending 12 (Unconfirmed)
Get a LOT of Leader points. Raise your Leader Level by
allowing your partners to kills guys. Let Tae die.
Ending 13 (Confirmed)
Go with Kishimoto to see her other self. Kill Kishimoto in the
Buddha Mission. Be nice to the original Kishimoto. Kill Tae, but
be nice to everyone else.
Ending 14 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose option 2, the stronger weapon.
Ending 15 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose option 1, leave the room.
Ending 16 (Confirmed)
Get 100 points and choose ???????
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